Got to Port A mid mourning friday, got setup and headed to the beach about 1 to do some fishing. Surf was rough around 3ft or so with heavy winds but toughed it out. caught a few whitings on shrimp and fishbites. I managed to run out a shark bait but weed was still slightly in surf so it made it a bit of a pain. No takers on it and ended up having to head in early due to a bad rain storm.

Saturday, decided to go to the bayside and do some kayak fishing with my pops, wind was bad but managed to find sheltered sections in some little islands. didn't catch anything but know fish where there because we could see then splashing, etc... we were using live shrimp but they didnt seem to be biting on it at all... headed back to the beach side about 3pm to eat and get outta the sun for a bit. Should have just fished the surf because it looked much better than bayside, hardly any swell and the wind was blowing offshore but no too bad.ended up hitting the beach about 5 pm and caught some more whiting on shrimp, ran a shark bait out but no takers.

sunday got up, got packed took care of some odds and ends and then hit the beach for a bit, mullet were running heavy in the second gut, surf near next to nothing and there was a bit of weed but nothing that was unmanagable, seems like it should be fully cleared up very soon. wind virtually none. it was a beautiful mourning, caught a couple whiting in the second gut. the mullet were running heavy in the second gut and eventually i cast netted some. had a few hits on the mullet but didnt manage to hook up, ran out a shark bait again but no takers.

all in all was a good trip weather turned out better than expected and the weed was almost all but gone.

Was using whole whiting (on the smaller side) for shark baits. ran them out past the third bar roughly. For my casting rods was using a double hook rig with shrimp and pink shrimp fishbites. Attempted to use some squid here and there but no hits with that.

Last edited by atxrockstar; 04/23/12 09:28 PM.