My apologies, running behind. Have been partially sick the past few weeks. Feeling better this afternoon. T-Day Trip was definitely not the "Freezer Run" this year. Due to high winds the past few weekends ahead, we were unable to scout the 10 foot low lake level, as well as set lines out the weekend before. Nothing like rolling the boat down about a 1/4 mile to water as well as tote gear in quite a few trips. I had hoped to get some exercise. I got more than I planned for, that includes the fiasco of me falling backwards out of my sister's 12' Porta-Bote. A tidbit more of that is on the thread titled "Flathead Activity".

Anyways, here is your December 2011 calendar. Scroll back in this thread for the KEY, in case you don't know it. In addition to being under the weather the past few weeks, I'm trying to finish up some other research, then there's that required thing we call work (you know, for a paycheck). Also at the end of this month's calendar (dopwn below), is the link to the 2010 thread which has some of the story behind the catfish calendar, in case you missed it.

Lynn's Catfish Calendar- December 2011
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | 1 BFT | 2 BFT | 3 YC
4 YC | 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 BFT | 8 BFT | 9 BC | 10 BC
11 YC | 12 YC | 13 BC | 14 ZIP | 15 BC | 16 BC | 17 BC
18 ZIP | 19 ZIP | 20 BFT | 21 BFT | 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 ZIP
25 ZIP | 26 ZIP | 27 BFT | 28 BFT | 29 BFT | 30 YC | 31 YC

As for your December Moon phases:
1st Qtr 2nd Fri.
Full Moon 10th Sat.
Last Qtr 17th Sat.
ALSO--- Winter begins on the 22nd
New Moon 24th Sat.

As for YC (YellowCat) Hidden Days (according to the 7/2/7/2/7/3 pattern):
Note once again, a blend or splicing up in the first half of the month.
2/3/4 (Fri/Sat/Sun)
11/12 (Sun/Mon)
20/21 (Tues/Wed)
29/30/31 (Thurs/Fri/Sat)

And the link for the 2010 thread in case you did not read the story behind the Catfish Calendar:

2012 will be the 4th year for the printed calendar, the 2nd for the Mini-Cal, and the 1st for the simple wall calendar (we experimented with 2011, but did not quite get where I was hoping for).

Also, 2009/2010/2011 Catfish Calendars (Collector items as they are numbered) are still available. Adam at OfficeMax's IMPress here has set it all up on their computer so we can always print more. Adam is Numero Uno in the tech department.

I already have 2012 mapped out, but have not set it up in the RTF format for those on the Calendar Crew (they get them emailed every 3 months from me along with an update in the research). Then there is the actual printed calendar set-up. If you have some pics or a pic & want to be in it, write me at <>. There is still time. Not much, but some since I am running behind.

aka "Catfish"