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Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
04/09/11 04:20 PM
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Dennis Christian
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Some of you may think I'm nuts for telling where I catch fish. The reason I do is part of practicing what I believe - do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Let me explain - I have loved fishing all of my life(I'm 69) and started fishing for whites in 1967. From then until 1998 I was a working man and the only time I could consistently get out and fish was Saturday. As a committed Christian, Sundays were and are for church activities. So, I remember how I would search the fishing reports during the week looking for clues as to where I would have my best chance of catching fish on the coming Saturday. I would have loved for someone to share places where they were having success.
Here at Cedar Creek where I fish mostly, I know about 50 spots where white bass tend to hang out. I have 30 of the best on a map, and I refer to these named spots when I post my reports - to help the weekend fisherman have a better chance of having a successful outing. Anyone who wants a copy of my map may send a PM, and I'll send it to him. No, this doesn't cause me or the guides a problem with too many people on our spots. For me, I only get out 2 or 3 times a week and only for 2 to 4 hours. If someone happens to be on the spot I was intending to fish, I just go to another. As for the guides here, none of them fish like I do - relying solely on locating fish on structures and then anchoring down and fishing. The guides rarely anchor and prefer to look for surfacing fish. Only occasionally do we cross paths, and I give them plenty of room. The few new spots Billy Seaman showed me - they're not on my map, and I've promised not to reveal where they are.
So, all - especially weekenders - who love to fish for whites, are welcome to use the location info on my posts to improve your odds of finding and catching fish.
P.S. When I occasionally fish Eagle Mountain Lake, I won't post spots because (1) there are too few good spots and (2) guide Johnny Stevens fishes like I do.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: Dennis Christian]
04/09/11 04:57 PM
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Dennis, As a weekend warrior, I appreciate your reports. You sent me your map a couple of years ago and I was suprised to see that I already was fishing many of the areas marked, I just didnt know the names. As for mixing with guides. Most of the guides I have met are really good guys. If I am on fish I will wave them or anyone over. Just dont bump my boat or tangle my lines LOL. I do this because guides like Mark Parker and Craig Copeland have sent me in the right direction many times. "Big Crappie" Chuck even offered my wife and I his spot one time after his customers had limited. I dont normally fish the "Boat Shows" as I like to think that I can find fish but, your reports and others have been know to cut down the "finding" time. Thanks again to you and all the guys that post reports that include more than "somewhere on the lake between the top and the bottom" Mike
"Mighty" Mike Shaffer
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: Dennis Christian]
04/09/11 04:58 PM
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You sir sound like a very honorable man!!! I don't fish Cedar Creek but if I did that map would be handy! Thanks for being a stand up guy!!! Take care! Craig
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: cuthand1]
04/09/11 07:46 PM
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Very cool, I don't fish cedar creek but once every 3-5 yrs but it's nice to see people paying it forward and helping each other out  God bless
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Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: 2Fish4everything]
04/09/11 08:21 PM
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Tx Tree Grower
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Very well said Dennis! As a current weekend warrior I greatly appreciate a post like this.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: Tx Tree Grower]
04/10/11 12:03 PM
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TFF Celebrity
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Thanks Dennis. Even though I don't get out much any more, it may be handy.
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Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: RoadRunnerTR21]
04/10/11 12:41 PM
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Bernie Lee
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Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: Bernie Lee]
04/10/11 02:02 PM
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TFF Team Angler
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What a great testimony from Dennis, who by his actions and thought reveals the heart o GOD. The more he gives the more he receives from higher level .
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: gborg]
04/10/11 03:00 PM
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Green Horn
Green Horn
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Hi, dennis cristian could you send me your hot spots for cedar creek lake !
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: donut]
04/10/11 03:21 PM
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TFF Team Angler
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Very Nice. I look forward to the day I can retire and fish more. But for now its not often enough. Not enough to learn all the best places. Thank you Dennis.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: donut]
04/10/11 03:40 PM
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xray doc
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Mr. Christian
I have never fished Cedar Creek. I live on Lake Palestine and that type of information would have helped me tremendously.
However, your article and tips on using Mepps spinners has helped me catch literally thousands of fish on Palestine. Whites, hybrids, largemouths and catfish can all be caught with this method.
I had used Mepps #3, 4 and 5's in Canada for smallmouths and big pike and have used Blue Fox #4's on Palestine for several years. Your technique of adding spit shot and slowing down presentation over clay points and humps have saved many a day on Palestine.
On windy days with muddy water, swithching to chartreuse or fire tiger has been succesful.
I have "taught" this technique to my kids (22,20, 15 and 14), so your help will be used by the next generation for years to come.
I have also used this technique on the gulf coast (Sabine Lake) and have worn out speckled trout and reds in the Fall on the flats.
Thanks again and God Bless.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: xray doc]
04/10/11 04:52 PM
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Hey, Dennis; You truly are one of God's deck hands, if not his first mate. In the 60's I too discovered sand bass. I also fished using your method of anchor and cast. My bait of choice was the ABU Reflex Spinner in 1/2oz. They don't make those anymore but I'll bet you remember and may very well have used them. A couple of weeks ago I was out in that big wind on CC and was trying to find something that would get down fast. The wind was pushing me that fast. Couldn't anchor. I came up with a 1oz. ABU and it was just like old times. Caught some really nice Hybrids and several magnum sand bass. Thanks for the memories, Dennis. J.B. P.M. Sent.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: J.B.]
04/10/11 07:19 PM
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Dennis - love your reports and please keep doing what you are doing. Its a godsend to us weekenders with young kids/teenagers that have short attention spans. I do the same when I have a good trip and share the same servant mindset that you have.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: danceswithbass]
04/10/11 07:51 PM
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AL Bay Stealth
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Dennis, I look forward to seeing your posts everytime I get on the forum...thanks.
Re: Why I Report Locations on Cedar Creek
[Re: danceswithbass]
04/10/11 07:52 PM
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It's a small world. I grew up on the north side of houston and went to the same church where Dennis was a youth sunday school teacher 20 years ago. Unfortunately I did not have him for a teacher but my best friend did. I still remember him telling me about a trip where where dennis had taken out him and 2 other kids on lake Livinston and how they caught over a hundred whites. I know he made a big difference in a lot of kids lives and i'm sure still does. I only live about 45 minutes from CC and have a friend that goes out there all the time. He has been on me to go with him out there so I may have to give Dennis a call and see about getting a map.
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