
1st Jeff Arnold / Jamie Thompson 17.10
2nd Bryan Tucker 17.05
3rd Steve Holtman / Dave Juarez 16.53
4th Troy Howard / Nick Anderson 14.33
5th Johnny Reyes / Ronny Farquhar 11.10
6th Ky Martin / Donnie Shaw 10.56
7th John Strong / Trent Meneese 10.45
8th BJ Gammons / Brandon Dillard 10.16
9th Bill Gammons / Terry Johnson 9.31
10th Joel Span / Garny Burchett 8.72

Big Bass
1st Steve Holtman / Dave Juarez 10.06
2nd Troy Howard / Nick Anderson 6.03
3rd Jeff Arnold / Jamie Thompson 5.62

Bass Club of Fort Worth

"The answer to every problem in life is to go fishing. The bigger the problem, the longer the trip"