This happened to me on a night tourney on Cedar Creek a few years ago. My partner and I had fished hard all night, and needed one kicker to have a good sack. We worked our way up to one of the better docks and just as we go there we noticed a bass boat was tied off to it on the opposite side (it was a big boathouse so we couldn't see the other boat until we got up on it, and they didn't have any lights on). When my partner noticed there were people in the boat who were not fishing, just sitting in the boat. We assumed they were waiting for their tourney to start, so my partner asked them if they would mind if we pitched a time or two at the dock. They didn't say a word, we gave them plenty of time to answer...but they didn't reply at all. So I pitched at the dock and promptly caught a 5lber! That woke them up, and one of the people in the boat made some kinda sarcastic comment like, "Yeah, we're wating for our tourney to start and that's why we were here." I said, "Well, I'd be happy to drive back over here and let the bass go back on this exact dock for you." To that they replied, "It will probably be dead by then."

After that awkward exchange we moved to another dock. But, I really think we handled it appropriately, we asked first and if they would have said they'd rather we not fish the dock since they were there first, we would not of thrown at it. But they choose not to respond, so naturally we fished it.