TSA Striper Tournament
Lake Belton May 16,2009
Pre-fishing: Lake is open
5am to 6am May 16,2009 the morning of the tourney in front of
Cedar Ridge Park Boat Ramp.
Captains Meeting:
6:00 AM Mandatory--- Don't Be Late
Cedar Ridge Park Boat Ramp Membership and registration forms available at registration.
3:00 PM
Cedar Ridge Park Boat RampInclement Weather Day (just in case!): Sunday, May 17,2009
Members Entry $75
Nonmembers Entry $100
Big Fish $20
Membership $25 for Team or family 1 year.
Trophies to Top 3 Adult Anglers/Teams
Participation Trophies for all kids
Optional Big Fish Pot 50% Payout for big fish, 50% payout for yearend big fish.
Tournament Director:
Danny Ragsdale
VHF Channel 69 Nauti Pilots
Entry Forms and Membership Forms can be found at
www.texasstriper.com follow the links.
Any question please email or call..