Funny story: I went fishing @ a little lake in Corsicana Tx. that has a Looooooong fishing pier . . This particular day when I walk up to a spot on this pier I ask "anybody doing any good?" To a man I heard responses like nothing to brag about,they are slow today,Yesterday was great etc etc. Some guys were using Minnows others were using Jigs . I didn`t have minnows so all I could do was use Jigs.On my previous fishing trip I was using a Crappie Magnet Jig called "Therapist" purp & chartr it was left on my rod so I used it to start. On my very first drop I was rewarded with a very Nice one of the 12 " class. Forty five min to an hour later I was leaving with a Tx limit. As I was leaving I boastfully expressed "that`s it for me guys the state of Tx says I can`t catch anymore today yall have a Good one" at which time I overheard some one in a low voice utter Tear Yo A$$! suffice it to say color doesn`t matter until the fish say it does
When I was fishing Bardwell regularly color absolutely mattered in my experiences. One year It was Salt & Pepper and by the next spring I couldn't buy a bite unless it was Cajun Cricket. Here on Martin Creek and Murvaul it doesn't seem to matter. I catch fish on almost any color but my go to is like the jig Slewfoot showed, BadShad.