Listen to this song.
Listen to this progression here, okay?
Listen to how it goes up.
It steps up from one moment to
another and leads you there, just...
Oh, yes. I mean, look,
you can play an E pentatonic
scale at 100 miles an hour
till somebody's ears burn off,
you can learn that, right?
But finding the tangents
within the framework,
therein lies the artistry, man.
You know, a
bunch of dudes jump around on stage,
jerking each other off,
you know, in spandex,
isn't music.
I don't know, man. I kinda like Van Halen.
Well, yeah, Plum, you do.
And you know why you do?
Because corporate America
is shoving something down your throat
and making you believe it,
because that's what
they want you to believe.
I mean, guys,
it's about finding out who you are
in the space
in-between the notes
that they're offering you.
I mean, you gotta tune in, man.
You gotta tune in.
You know,
and don't be afraid
to let the experience find you.
It's like Carl Sagan says, man,
"The beauty of a living thing
isn't about the atoms that go into it,
"it's how those atoms are put together."
I mean, language, language.
What is language?
Language is a construct, man.
You know?
And we used to be telepathic.
Humans were telepathic, man.
We could just... Right here. You know?
The Mayans knew it, man.
The Druids knew it.
And you think
the way things are going now
that we're ever gonna get that back?
- F no.
- No.
Do you guys wanna try
a little telepathic sh*t?
Let's do it.
Okay, lock in. Lock in.
- You locked in? All right.
- Yeah.
- What am I thinking about?
- Baseball.
- Having a tail.
- Cereal?
Dude, I was thinking about sharks.
- I was thinking about sharks.
Sharks have tails.
That's a good point. That's a good point.
I wish I had a tail.
that'd be awesome.
- Oh, my God.
—-Everybody Wants Some Richard Linklater Fearless scene