Originally Posted by hopalong
Originally Posted by UJC
Learnin - I have the exact same plug(s) pictured. For me, it is absolutely worth it. I got so fed up with the previous plug coming loose and sometime out of the plate so I bit the bullet. I really like it. I had to modify the size hole (larger) but that is ok with me for peace of mind to get rid of the aggravation. I don't have an off/on switch for the TM so I am always (un)plugging causing the wear and tear. I have always been told to not recharge TM batteries without the plug out if there is no on/off.

change your breaker over to a manual reset type, you can use it to shut down power to the tm.

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Hop - I have the breaker in the pic but it just hangs loose in the back in tight quarters, so it is difficult to get to and hard to switch off/on because I have no leverage. When I go to lith batteries, I plan to permanently rig it - then I will be able to. TM batteries are 5yrs old. I am expecting this to be sooner, not later. I've never have had TM batteries last this long. Batteries are nothing special - purchased at Walmart.