Originally Posted by Mark Perry
Originally Posted by patriot07
Unless you want to start your own business, it's tough to get a decent job without a degree these days. Even tougher to find one that's not at risk of being obsoleted in the next 10-ish years.

As for parenting, parents are too focused on their phones these days. Very few actively parent and spend time with their kids. And when the schools try to replace some of that lack of parenting, the parents get offended and tell them not to get mad at their perfect little angel. If admins had any guts, this would go away. But they don't and the entire culture and future of our country suffers as a result.

No it's not.

Fir instance just in the DFW area there are lots of fire and police jobs going unfilled that start out at $70,000 plus.Many will send you to school and pay you while in school. Guaranteed pension when you retire. Decent benefits etc. Some start in excess of $75,000 and being in the $90,000-100,000 range in a few years is easy.
These jobs ho unfilled. No layoffs, no downsizing etc.

And you don’t have 100k in college debt- that’s a win win.