Originally Posted by Catfish Tim
Good job fellas! BCB, you have a lot of data to process from that trip. Use that to get better and keep after those big ones. They are out there and they will be chewin you just gotta be in the right place at the right time. It will happen. You have the bait catching down which is the hardest part to get figured out. Now that you have that in your arsenal, you are going to start having more and more success.

Thanks, Tim.

Yup, a lot of time on the water and a lot to digest.

One thing I struggle with is how long to wait for a bite? I have been tending towards 30 minutes, but this trip tried to be more patient. A handful of times I drifted for a couple of hours in one direction/drift and now realize that didn't work out on a single occasion. I think the 30 minute rule seems to be a good one for me.

The one regret from the trip is that I didn't use a bobber and a shallow bait when I fished the creeks as Geno had mentioned, so I now plan to try that back on Lavon.

Retired from the grind and enjoying life and the great outdoors ### Formerly Texas Brit ###