Jerry Brown and Jason Hunnicutt had five for 8.32
Jay and Garrett Browne finished a good year with four for 8.57
Vince Burt and Mark Werner had a great late season surge. Here they got fifth place with a limit that weighed 10.32
Fourth place went to Chris Atkinson and myself with five for 10.61. This also clinched the 2021 Anglers of the Year title for us. That's back to back for Chris. Well done partner!
Third place went to the team of Bruce Anderson and Tony Schnurr with a solid limit that went 11.91
Their kicker fish was a 5.77 beauty
Second place went to Jim Phillips and Randy Bridges with a good bag that went 12.33
Here's their big fish. Unfortunately, it was not weighed
Here are your winners. Preston Smith and David Horton have been knocking their lights out the last few months and a limit that weighed 20.31 smoked the field by 8 pounds!
Most winning bags have a kicker fish. As kickers go, this is about as good as it gets. Look at this 10.21 beast!
That does it for our regular season. Thanks to David and Stan who did registration. Thanks to Paul Spann for being TD and to Cameron for being the Count de Money. Cameron and Chris also helped with weigh in. Our Club Championship comes up on Lake O' The Pines on November 13-14 but first we have the 6th Annual Fish For A Cure coming up October 31st on Lake Ray Hubbard! Please come out and join us for that!