It is a total crapshoot. My mom lasted 10 years after being told 1 to 1 1/2 maybe. She died 4 years ago at age 74. She had metastatic bone cancer and her bones literally looked like Swiss cheese on the xrays. She needed hip replacements but couldn’t because there wasn’t enough bone, etc. She had so many different kinds of chemo and radiation treatments over that time that we quit keeping track. Us kids would take turns staying with her when my dad needed a break. She managed to go to Disney with the my family and stayed up beat and mobile as long as she could so the decision to fight was a great one. My parents travelled the world for 8 more years even when she was in a wheelchair. If you weren’t around her after a chemo treatment you really wouldn’t have known how bad off she was. It never got better during that time, but it would stop spreading for 6 months or a year and then spread again and she’d have to change chemo. It finally starting spreadIng to other organs and so she decided to quit treatments and go on hospice. She went downhill over the next 6 months. The last month or so was pretty hard. One of us kids was always there to help out.

Then my friends mom who was younger and had the same cancer died within 14 months and then you also hear of plenty that recover completely when they weren’t supposed to. You just never know. I wish you all the best though. Just don’t take any of the moments for granted and spend as much time as you can with him.

Keeping track of medications, insurance, etc is not easy and your MIL will definitely need help with that. Go to the dr with them if they want you too or if you’re worried they won’t take it all in and be prepared to help out a lot around their house.

Good luck. Prayers for your family.

What a maroon!