Most Online39,925 Dec 30th, 2023
Re: Handling deep you fizz or use weighed clips?
[Re: “The Stick”]
08/15/20 04:35 PM
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 13,672
Ken A.
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 13,672 |
I've taught at least 25 people how to fizz fish outta Fork.
I fill the livewell full to the brim then observe the fish. It is quickly obvious what side is most bloated. I stick the needle into the fish right where your illustration shows then hold the fish with the needle just under the surface with the open end pointed straight up.
Never squeeze the fish, just let the air bubbles escape until they stop. Turn the fish loose & VIOLA!! They swim upright in the livewell and are now ready to be released. Done this to fish up to 10.77 pounds successfully.
Moderated by banker-always fishing, chickenman, Derek 🐝, Duck_Hunter, Fish Killer, J-2, Jacob, Jons3825, JustWingem, Nocona Brian, Toon-Troller, Uncle Zeek, Weekender1