JWfish I have got to tell you this story! Me and full stringer were on the East Fork trinity a few years back and he brought minnows. Low and behold he shows me this pink dye for minnows and says he is about to try it out. I heard some grumbling and a few curse words come from the back of the boat, so I turn around to see what is going on. As I turn, I see that he has pink all over him! As he sunk the minnow in that little jar of dye it splashed the dye all over him! He had pink hands for two weeks! roflmao roflmao roflmao roflmao
The moral of the story is this, knock your minnow in the head before you dip it in the dye! roflmao roflmao roflmao roflmao

I like my fishing like a whino likes his wine!