The American Cancer Society in association with the Ray Hubbard Bass Cub and Scott Gordon Outdoors will be hosting the first annual Fish For A Cure Benefit Tournament on Saturday October 15th on Lake Ray Hubbard. Here is the information -
• When: Saturday October 15th
• Where: Lake Ray Hubbard - Registration/Check In and drive through weigh in at Bass Pro Shops in Garland
• Time: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
• Registration: 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM
• Entry Fee: $100.00 per boat – 2 person maximumThis Open tournament will be hosted by Scott Gordon. This is a benefit to raise money for the American Cancer Society of Dallas/Rockwall. We have a guaranteed first prize of $3000.00 and guaranteed big bass payout of $500.00. You can register on line by debit or credit card until October 12th at this site. can register in person the morning of the event at Bass Pro Shops in Garland starting at 5:00AM. We will accept cash, credit card or checks made out to the American Cancer Society. When you register, you can also purchase event t-shirts and raffle tickets. Those will also be available at weigh in.
ALL teams must check in at BPS the morning of the event and get their live wells checked. After you have checked in, you may trailer to a ramp of your choice, launch and go to your spot. First cast is 7:00AM. Lines out of the water at 3:00PM. You MUST be in line to weigh your fish by 4:00PM. The weigh in stage will be set up at the front of Bass Pro Shops in Garland on the I30 side.
Here is a list of items donated so far for the drawings. You could win one or more of these items for a donation at the event. RHBC will be selling chances at the weigh in area all day on the 15th. You do NOT have to be present to win. We will have you put a name and number on the tickets so we can reach you to get your prize to you.
Bohonk Lures - Several Gift Packs of Bladed Jigs and Buzzbaits
ProCull Fishing - 2 sets of cull rings
Two $50.00 BPS Gift Cards
Texas Nameplate - 4 measuring boards (2 custom) and a graph mount
TFO Rods - 2 Cliff Pace rods
Fishing World is donating a yet to be determined Yeti product
Matt Martin - Water Pump and Gear Lube Change
Belfiore Salon - Product basket and Gift Card
Vic's Marine - Boat Detail with buff and wax
The following Lake Fork Guides have donated trips
Sam Cotton - Full day
Mark Pack - Half Day
Josh Priest - Half Day
Zach Hughes - Half Day
Eric Wright - Half Day Duck Hunting Trip
Rockwall Marine - 2 gallons Engine Oil
Texas Land and Cattle discount cards
The big one is a personally autographed football signed by Roger Staubach! We still have more coming. If you would like to donate something, please send me a PM
If you cannot fish, you can make a donation to this very worthy cause using the link above, Just click the Register/Donate button. Invite your family to the weigh in and buy some tickets. If you are hungry, Texas Land and Cattle next to BPS is donating a percentage of each meal served that day directly to ACS. Please support them. We at RHBC are very proud to be supporting this event. Please come and join us and help make it a great success!