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Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11475760 03/14/16 05:12 AM
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Catfish Lynn Offline OP
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Seems Summer is here, but a little Winter comes in the later part of the week.

Here's your "better late that never" March 2016 Lynn's Catfish Calendar. Have been very busy here, at home & work. This week will be no exception, as the boss wants us to do our week in 4 days, so we can shut down Friday & have a 3 day weekend. So I better post it now, as I won't have any time in the next 4 to 5 days.

It seems I am to be deep frying catfish for the family gathering Sunday the 20th. My sister decided she misses my fish fry-s. Actually, I have not done any deep fry-s since my ordeal in the end of 2011 & early 2012. Actually, I did one for just the few of us (6) in the door shop last year, but it was Tilapia fillets, so that does not count. I was doing at least 3 big ones a year. Now if I can just find Mrs. Tuckers shortening in the B-CS area. Village Foods was where I was buying it. That is one of my secrets. My Uncle said my Grandmother used to fry with it. My Grandmother could really make that old cast iron stove sing & cook super tasting food. We have it set up over in the corner of the foyer, but do not use it (just for memories of all the good times).

OK, 'nuff said, time for the calendar. Let's see what Spring Break (this week here in Bryan, Texas) has in store & then afterwards.

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- MARCH 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX | 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP | 3 BC | 4 BC | 5 BFT
6 BC | 7 BFT | 8 BFT | 9 ZIP | 10 ZIP | 11 BC | 12 BC
13 ZIP | 14 ZIP | 15 YC | 16 YC | 17 YC | 18 ZIP | 19 ZIP
20 BFT | 21 BFT | 22 BFT | 23 BC | 24 BC | 25 YC | 26 YC
27 BFT | 28 ZIP | 29 ZIP | 30 BC | 31 BC

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2016 Moon Phases-
1st- Last Qtr
8th- New Moon
15th- 1st Qtr
23rd- Full Moon
31st- Last Qtr

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days-
7/8 Mon/Tues
15/16/17 Tues/Wed/Thurs
25/26 Fri/Sat

I would definitely say that next week would be best.

Have a Good One!

aka "Catfish"
Wet Rooster Jigs Fishing Super Store
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11517393 04/02/16 09:03 AM
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Wow! Just when you thought summer was already starting here, then BAM, another cool blast.

Looks like 16/17th & 23/24th are good BlueCat weekends, if you are restricted to weekends only. Always remember that a YellowCat day is also good BlueCat fishing.

Without further ado, since I am sorta tired, here's what you need ...

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- APRIL 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 BFT | 2 BFT
3 BFT | 4 YC | 5 BFT | 6 ZIP | 7 ZIP | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP
10 ZIP | 11 ZIP | 12 YC | 13 YC | 14 ZIP | 15 ZIP | 16 BC
17 BC | 18 BC | 19 BC | 20 BC | 21 YC | 22 YC | 23 YC
24 BC | 25 BC | 26 BC | 27 BC | 28 BC | 29 BFT | 30 BFT

And here is the additional info to assist ...

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2016 Moon Phases---

7th- New Moon
13th- 1st Qtr
22nd- Full Moon
29th- Last Qtr

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---

3/4 Sun/Mon
12/13/14 Tues/Wed/Thurs
22/23 Fri/Sat

For the KEY, back up in this thread, if need be.

Have a Good One!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11579241 05/03/16 12:05 AM
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BASS420 Offline
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U got the one for may yet. I think that this calendar that u have invented is really good advice with a lot of real effort and expertise involved. Only thing I even look in catfishing thread for. Love catching yellas at night on rod and reel. I try to read ur stuff to assist in my planning of tricks. All your advice is super helpful. Thanks

Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11579856 05/03/16 09:28 AM
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Wow! BASS420 it would seem you definitely are a Bass Fisherman, but you also love to catch Yellows. I appreciate your shared comments. I'm glad I can help. As to items on YellowCats that I have shared here on TFF from time to time since 2009 or 2010, since it may be scattered in the Catfish section, it is possible the search engine on TFF can find most. They could be in threads I started, or my comments could be in other threads.

One thing I may not have shared for Rod-n-Reelers is that you can go to their lunch room. In other words, you can drop them lunch, to which most will nor resist snatching it down swiftly. On the lake, it would be dropping bait right down beside a stump or dead log. Usually, a big Yellow will have their apartment there. On the river, you look for those items or a brush pile. However, as you cast or drop your bait, you must be ready with lightning reflexes & start reeling them in to prevent their escape. Their escape could entangle the line in the brush, stump, or dead log. A good size Yellow will for the most part "dive" when they sense something is very wrong, such as a hook pulling them. Why do they dive? It is due to the reason that they hope to enable their escape by going under a structure. In a sense, to us, it would be like slipping & trying to get a grasp onto something. The dive under a structure seems to be their only means of leverage & protection. Perhaps they feel their safety or security.

If you or someone you know has used juglines for Catfish, when Blues grab them, they tend to dive, swirl, or head away. Eventually they tire down & they pull the jug under, only to be exhausted to where it eventually pops up to the surface, again & again. A big Yellow will try to dive under a log to stay secure. The jug cannot escape, and stays underwater. The jug can only make surface again, if the Yellow dismisses his leverage point. And has not gotten the line tangled or has managed to rip the hook out or snapped the line.

So in essence, when you drop it right onto their lunch table, you must swiftly prevent the posdsibility of a snagged line. There was a story (article) on this back between 2005 & 2009 in either "ACATS Now!" or "Catfish Gold" magazine about the lunch table as to Rod-n-Reeling of Yellows on Rivers. The diving portion (as to how a Yellow reacts) is from my compiling data on YellowCats.

Another portion of this diving is why Yellows are sometimes called MudCats. It is because they will bury themselves in the mud. Several reasons exist. They may do it for the same reason as to for protection or leverage, as they create a sort of suction cup to the bottom. They can also do it to escape a lack of oxygen. As to why or how on this, I cannot truly say how it would assist them due to lack of oxygen. Except that by rubbing their (Yellows) bellies, they go into a sort of meditative state, or what we might refer to as relaxation & putting one into a deep sleep or different state of body mode (which affects breathing).

I guess I better post the May 2016 Catfish Calendar while I'm here.

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- MAY 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 YC | 2 YC | 3 ZIP | 4 ZIP | 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 ZIP
8 ZIP | 9 YC | 10 YC | 11 ZIP | 12 ZIP | 13 ZIP | 14 BC
15 BC | 16 ZIP | 17 ZIP | 18 BC | 19 YC | 20 YC | 21 BC
22 BC | 23 BC | 24 BFT | 25 BC | 26 BFT | 27 BFT | 28 YC
29 YC | 30 ZIP | 31 ZIP

And here is the additional info to assist ...

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2016 Moon Phases---
6th- New Moon
13th- 1st Qtr
21st- Full Moon
29th- Last Qtr

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---
1/2 Sun/Mon
9/10/11 Mon/Tues/Wed
19/20 Thurs/Fri
28/29 Sat/Sun

And here is the KEY for page 2 of this thread-

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2016 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack 'em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat's Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.

Looks like for Memorial Day weekend, Friday is Buffet (BFT), while Saturday & Sunday are YellowCat (YC) which also is fairly good for Blues (BC). Sadly Monday is Zip (ZIP). However, there is always the Bleedover Lap into Monday. And if you run lines, and have not checked them since Sunday night, Monday morning run should have some on your lines.

There ya Go! Happy Catfishing!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11646620 06/04/16 01:19 PM
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Whew! What a last week or so! I hope I get a breather for a few days. Transmission went out at the stop sign just outside of the property before pulling onto the highway. Anyway, got another work car Wednesday (a week later, and inspected & new tags). Then got inundated at work.

OK, onto better things ...

A Belated Happy Mother's Day & an early Happy Father's Day!

Here's your June 2016 Lynn's Catfish Calender (LCC) ...
Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JUNE 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX | 1 BC | 2 ZIP | 3 ZIP | 4 ZIP
5 BFT | 6 BFT | 7 YC | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP | 10 BC | 11 BC
12 ZIP | 13 ZIP | 14 ZIP | 15 BFT | 16 BFT | 17 BC | 18 BC
19 BC | 20 BFT | 21 BFT | 22 YC | 23 YC | 24 YC | 25 YC
26 YC | 27 ZIP | 28 ZIP | 29 BC | 30 BC

And here is the additional info to assist you in your YellowCat & BlueCat & Gator Gars endeavors...

Remember, when you get near or at Full Moon, there seems to be a 2 to 8 hour delay on the YellowCats & Gator Gars. They head out at or just after dark. You will have to go back thru the different yearly threads for that info.

Also for those into Crappie, it seems to be good for Crappie on BC days. Be sure & drop me a line if this works for you. My boss has done pretty good on those nights.

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- June 2016 Moon Phases---
4th- New Moon
12th- 1st Qtr
20th- Full Moon
27th- Last Qtr

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- June 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---
[This is the underlying pattern I discovered in 1981.]
5/6/7 Sun/Mon/Tues
15/16 Wed/Thurs
24/25 Fri/Sat

And here is the KEY once again for those just tuning in-

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2016 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack 'em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat's Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11646707 06/04/16 02:00 PM
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For those of you just tuning in, the KEY is posted from time to time, but if you don't see it or printed a copy to have on hand, usually just back up in that year's thread. It will be at least in January's post.

Also, in January (the beginning of that year's thread), will be listings of the previous years' threads so you can link up fast without wasted time in searching.

The Moon phases do affect certain things, so they are important to the calendar.

The PYC runs with the calendar, but it is as if I see two train tracks that run to the same destination, yet run parallel, but not align directly with each other. By using the Calendar & the PYC, you are utilizing both tracks & have the best possibilities.

By sharing feedback or your testimony, you are adding to the research to help hone in on better & finer detailing. I am always thrilled to read your reports or comments. That includes any that might include negative results. By having Jeff & James using my YellowCat tips & the Calendar & keeping me updated constantly, I achieved greater leaps & bounds in my Phase 2 of Lake Research. Not only did they benefit, but me & the Calendar as well.

While I may be a setliner (using trotlines, throwlines, juglines, and such), Rod-N-Reeling is slightly different. There are certain aspects that may be different, but everything can be of benefit.

The calendar keys in on what I have termed a "Roam/Feed" circuit switch. A rough & broad term might be known as "instinct" or "ingrained". It seems they are programmed to perform this ritual. By having your lines set in a certain place, such as a trotline, if they are not there, they must "roam" in order to "feed" on the bait on the line. By Rod-n-Reel, you can actually take your line & drop it on them. So you see, there are advantages & disadvantages. In the case of bad weather, the set lines are still there (even if you aren't), while most that are Rod-n-Reeling must get off the waters for safety.

As you key in on the calendar, you also realize there are overlaps. Sometimes it may extend later or sometimes it may prelude as much as 12 hours or so. As you learn to work the Calendar, you will find that you can zero in on these "extras" to benefit your catches, whether it be for sport (Catch-N-Release) or for food (Release into the Grease).

That being said, Wishing You the Best Catches are Just Ahead!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11698870 07/01/16 08:28 AM
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As you know, it's hot. Even at night, you still need to stay hydrated. This heat & humidity will boil your body's moisture out of it. Not only can you seriously get dehydrated, but you can also shut down your kidneys if you go too far. That is one thng you do not ever want to do.

As you can see, the start into July 4th weekend does not look the best. Just remember, my estimate is about 25% to 33% run rogue. Meaning they dance to a different beat, or I should say pattern. In other words, they follow a different pattern.

Have a safe holiday!!!

That being said, here's your July 2016 Lynn's Catfish Calender (LCC) ...

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JULY 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP
3 BFT | 4 BFT | 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 BC | 8 BC | 9 BC
10 ZIP | 11 ZIP | 12 BFT | 13 BFT | 14 BFT | 15 ZIP | 16 BC
17 BFT | 18 BFT | 19 YC | 20 YC | 21 YC | 22 YC | 23 YC
24 ZIP | 25 ZIP | 26 BC | 27 BC | 28 ZIP | 29 ZIP | 30 YC
31 BFT

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- July 2016 Moon Phases---
4th- New Moon
11th- 1st Qtr
19th- Full Moon
26th- Last Qtr

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- July 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---
[This is the underlying pattern I discovered in 1981.]
3/4/5 Sun/Mon/Tues
13/14 Wed/Thurs
22/23 Fri/Sat
30/31/(1) Sat/Sun/(Mon)

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11757874 08/04/16 04:14 AM
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Man, has it been hot & humid!

Here's your August 2016 Lynn's Catfish Calender (LCC) ...

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- AUGUST 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP | 3 ZIP | 4 ZIP | 5 BC | 6 ZIP
7 ZIP | 8 ZIP | 9 BFT | 10 BFT | 11 ZIP | 12 ZIP | 13 ZIP
14 BC | 15 BFT | 16 YC | 17 YC | 18 YC | 19 YC | 20 BC
21 BC | 22 BC | 23 BC | 24 ZIP | 25 ZIP | 26 YC | 27 YC
28 YC | 29 ZIP | 30 ZIP | 31 ZIP

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- August 2016 Moon Phases---
2nd- New Moon
10th- 1st Qtr
18th- Full Moon
24th- Last Qtr

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- August 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---
[This is the underlying pattern I discovered in 1981.]
(30/31)/1 (Sat/Sun)/Mon
9/10 Tues/Wed
18/19 Thurs/Fri
27/28/29 Sat/Sun/Mon

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11811876 09/04/16 04:08 PM
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Darrell at Running Branch on Lake Limestone sent me an earlier photo of 3 guy's catch (or best of their catch) this. It was three hefty sized YellowCats, weighing in at 67, 61, and 47 pounds. Not bad at all! The picture's date was 4-23-16. So if they were running set lines, that meant they most probably baited out on the end of the 22nd & pulled them in early on the 23rd. If they were rod-n-reeling, they caught them on the 23rd. Looking back at the calendar, the Catfish Calendar marks 21st, 22nd, and 23rd as YC days (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). And I have the 22nd & 23rd marked as my targeted PYC (Prime YellowCat Days). So there ya go! Right on target. Bullseye!!!

Also, a fellow catfisherman from Lake Conroe has been using the calendar for rod-n-reeling Yellows and has noticed compared to before, the Calendar has "significantly" brought his numbers up this year. He lives on the Lake. How lucky can you get! If I lived on the lake or river, they would have to drag me into work with chains. Now, as I have said, most who fish by set lines will fare better than those by rod-n-reel. It has to do with my understanding of what the pattern suggests- a "roam-feed circuit" built into their system. Drum roll please .............. Ta Da! He is using rod-n-reel & notes he has found it best to go after the Yellows according to the calendar instead of "wasted time" on the YC vacation (off) days. So you can see, the calendar just plain works. As you know, just getting off & fishing, is great! But catching fish is greater!! And for sure, catching more fish is the greatest!!! As to the Calendar, I did not create it, I just discovered it. It has been there all along, everything has patterns, you just have to look long enough.

Several other rod-n-reelers have shared that they use the calendar to target Yellows, when they want to definitely catch Yellows. Very few send me the finer details though. So I do appreciate it when you do! Makes me feel I am doing something worthwhile.

Many of you are wondering about this Labor Day weekend which is already in full swing. Time to relax, enjoy family & friends & meet some new friends while you are there, celebrate the holiday responsibly, then just before you head back to the mundane work grind, hit it hard fishing on Monday morning till time to leave.

Here's your September 2016 Lynn's Catfish Calender (LCC) ...

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- SEPTEMBER 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP | 3 ZIP
4 ZIP | 5 BFT | 6 BFT | 7 ZIP | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP | 10 BC
11 BC | 12 BFT | 13 YC | 14 YC | 15 YC | 16 YC | 17 BC
18 BC | 19 BFT | 20 BC | 21 ZIP | 22 ZIP | 23 YC | 24 YC
25 ZIP | 26 ZIP | 27 BC | 28 ZIP | 29 ZIP | 30 ZIP

Back up a few to see the KEY if needed for newcomers.

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- September 2016 Moon Phases---
1st- New Moon
9th- 1st Qtr
16th- Full Moon
23rd- Last Qtr
30th- New Moon

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- September 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---
[This is the underlying pattern I discovered in 1981.]
5/6 Mon/Tues
14/15 Wed/Thurs
23/24/25 Fri/Sat/Sun

Here's Wishing you the Very Best of Catfishing!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11856787 09/30/16 04:48 AM
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I have to work on roof this weekend, so I best post this now.
Here ya go ...

Lynn�s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- OCTOBER 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP
2 BC | 3 BFT | 4 BFT | 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 BC | 8 BC
9 BC | 10 BFT | 11 BFT | 12 YC | 13 YC | 14 BC | 15 BC
16 BFT | 17 BFT | 18 BC | 19 BC | 20 YC | 21 YC | 22 ZIP
23 ZIP | 24 BC | 25 BC | 26 BC | 27 ZIP | 28 ZIP | 29 BC
30 BC | 31 BC

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- October 2016 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days---
3/4 Mon/Tues
12/13 Wed/Thurs
20/21/22 Thurs/Fri/Sat
30/31 Sun/Mon

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- October 2016 Moon Phases---
9th- 1st Qtr
16th- Full Moon
22nd- Last Qtr
30th- New Moon

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2016 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack 'em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat's Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.

Definitely enjoying the cooler weather!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11862507 10/03/16 08:45 PM
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catcrap Offline
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Lynn, you said you learned from a gentleman named Olen? Would that be Olen Meiske?

Give man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach man to fish, he'll sit on a boat and drink beer all day.
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11863430 10/04/16 04:52 AM
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My two YellowCat teachers were Olen Crocker & Newt Stanley. Olen was from around this area of Bryan & College Station. I lived in the same apartment complex as him. He was over Maintenance there. Most of the time we were fishing with different groups. Not sure what brought Newt or exactly when to this area. Newt was a welder before, if not mistaken. I recall him talking about fishing on the Salt Fork of the Brazos River. He worked with me at the Printing Center from around 1977 to 1981 on Texas A&M University campus until I left. We worked in the Bindery together. A couple of us started fishing together. The patterns of the Calendar were found a few years after. I heard Newt passed on in the mid to late 80s or early 90s. Olen passed away in November 2012 at age 75. My printed 2013 Catfish Calendar was the Memorial Tribute Edition which paid tribute in the January write-up & pics to Olen, Newt, and Jeff Summers. My two YellowCat Teachers & one of my two Prize YellowCat students. Sadly, Jeff & his 2nd wife were brutally murdered near Mart, Texas in September 2011. I shared with Jeff & his son James about YellowCats, as well as my Catfish Calendar. They had never caught any Yellows before. Within the first few weeks, they along with Elvin (a fishing partner), caught their 3rd Yellow- a 30+ pound Op. Within a month from that they caught their 4th YellowCat which was a grayish tinted Op weighing in at 62.4# in April 2007. That one was featured in the April write-up of the first Printed Calendar- 2009 Collector's Edition.

In essence, the Olen you mentioned is not the Olen I knew, unless that might have been a middle name.

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11863901 10/04/16 03:19 PM
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catcrap Offline
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very neat, and thank you for the detailed answer. Sorry to hear about your buddy Jeff. not the same Olen I knew, but very cool nonetheless. I'm going out to Granger this weekend to get on the blues, and I'll let you know how it worked out. also going to see what I can figure out about catching yellows using your calendar. I've never attempted catching them before cause I just didn't know what on earth I was doing, but that helps narrow it down.

Give man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach man to fish, he'll sit on a boat and drink beer all day.
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11865297 10/05/16 03:32 AM
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Last few people to share have said that the calendar has really helped them increase their catch of Yellows. Be it set lines or Rod-n-Reel.

I shared with Jeff & his son James more than most, and when they weren't sure, gave advice. In return, they helped to keep me updated on details. And those details have helped in even fine tuning the data. For instance, they found that their biggest Yellows if caught during a 3 day YC run, was either up front or towards the end.

Those that use the calendar know it works, as they have experienced the before & after. As you know, it's fantastic to just be able to go fishing. But when you really catch them, it's even greater. I recall one who shared that they caught so much, they had to start tossing some really good size Blues back. What they kept, they fileted, but had to build a ramp to get their big ice chest of filets off the truck at home as they could not lift it. His neighbors started giving him catfish nicknames, similar to what some did with me at Running Branch Marina on Lake Limestone. Most that did not know my name, just called me "Catfish".

Yes, it was really sad about Jeff & Pam. We had talked that summer about them having a big one (Cat) that was messing with them up at the top of the lake. So Jeff was wanting me to get with him & help show him how to set up one of my "Planter" trotlines (special design), so they could finally catch it.

Almost forgot, for those who also like to fish for Crappie, it seems we have targeted that they bite best on BC days, especially nearest the New Moon. We have been trying to get several confirmations (repeated good catches). Ron (my boss), went this last weekend on Saturday (October 1st) which was ZIP. I forgot how many hours it took him to catch 23, but I asked, that was not good (as to the time involved) & you had to really work to get those. He agreed. Then he told me about Sunday (Oct. 2nd- BC day). He had two grandkids with him. He said as one caught one & he would take it off & rebait with a new minnow, they would throw it back in. Just as the other caught one. This continued (back & forth constantly) & in a short time they had 37 & decided it was enough (as he was going to have to clean them).

Have a Good One!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar (LCC) 2016 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #11874373 10/11/16 01:20 AM
Joined: Jun 2015
Posts: 162
MercuryJump Offline
Joined: Jun 2015
Posts: 162
I fish every Friday night from about 8pm to Sat morning around 5-8am depending on the bite. I'll see how your calendar lines up to what I catch. Thks.

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"Fishing for a change"
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