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Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/12/15 07:42 PM
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It's going to happen, you can't stop it. Don't let it ruin your day doing the one thing that makes you happy. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!
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Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 05:02 AM
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John Stockman
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Were they catching, your group did. I usually let guys fish thru. Unless it's Arlington, that's my lake. Might have a reputation as the angry kayak guy on Arlington.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 10:18 AM
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christian myrick
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I wouldnt be mad if they just went by. The whole problem is them casting across our lines, into our lines etc
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 11:24 AM
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Brad R
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Just as a general rule, avoid any confrontation. The reason is it'll do more to ruin your day because afterward, you'll think about it the rest of the day. Better to just let the vessels pass each other and keep fishing with a clear mind on the fish . . . and the fun.
And, there are some gray areas. Say, two vessels entering a cove, one fishing it clockwise and the other counterclockwise. As they approach each other, what is the proper etiquette to pass each other? There are more situations like this.
I have never had any problems. As a matter of fact, I sort of like fishing tight with others, not of course "Japan like" . . . but close is okay if lines don't cross.
The established pecking order seems to be: Boats look down on smaller boats and kayaks, and then vessels of all sorts look down on bank fishermen. And, everyone hates ski boats and jet skis.
When, I am fishing around a bank fisherman who has "position" on me, I move well outside of his casting distance or line if he has one out, make a loop, engage in a little conversation, then pick up again on the far side. At so many lakes, these guys have limited areas to fish.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 05:28 PM
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TFF Guru
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I fish on a lake that is in close proximity to the city so it gets hammered pretty good even during the week. Guides and regulars and the weekend warriors so you have to have thick skin if you fish there. I've been fishing the lake since the early seventies and it's not changed much when it comes to inconsiderate fishermen and that's using a mild term. You cannot fish without someone trying to take over your space and in a kayak it's worse. I just reel up my line or leave it out and just stare at them and not say a word. If they try to run over me I'll speak up and in a calm voice I'll ask them if they have a problem. Usually I'll just sit there and end up catching fish and they don't, so they'll get disgusted and leave. Cell phones come in handy, and you can start snapping pictures of them and that usually gets them to move more than anything.
Just one more cast!
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: Jimbo]
10/13/15 05:38 PM
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christian myrick
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I fish on a lake that is in close proximity to the city so it gets hammered pretty good even during the week. Guides and regulars and the weekend warriors so you have to have thick skin if you fish there. I've been fishing the lake since the early seventies and it's not changed much when it comes to inconsiderate fishermen and that's using a mild term. You cannot fish without someone trying to take over your space and in a kayak it's worse. I just reel up my line or leave it out and just stare at them and not say a word. If they try to run over me I'll speak up and in a calm voice I'll ask them if they have a problem. Usually I'll just sit there and end up catching fish and they don't, so they'll get disgusted and leave. Cell phones come in handy, and you can start snapping pictures of them and that usually gets them to move more than anything. I am definitely used to boat traffic, wake etc. I dont get upset about that, I am in one of the most stable kayaks made. Its just the fact he thought I was in the wrong being there. He wasn't a new guy, this boat had decails all over it. He casted across our lines and hooked them several times. I would never do something lime that intentionally. There is enough lake for us all to be successful fishermen. Pour guy prob hasn't caught a fish over 5 lbs his whole life. Hahahaha.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 05:40 PM
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Exactly why I keep a heavy rod with 65lb braid handy, I have used it before , let's just say it's a conversation starter!!!
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 05:42 PM
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Btw you have every right to be ticked, it seems like people should know better but we are in America.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 06:38 PM
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Daniel Mtanous
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It's a miracle this thread hasn't been deleted because I made a thread last month about boaters complaining about bank fishermen (Which they got us removed and we got "our warning".)at the Oasis Boat Ramp for Joe Pool and it got deleted in less than 24 hours.
Had a guy crossing lines like crazy at Joe Pool where you pay to indoor fish. He never stopped and took up a lane just threw his line over everyone else's and was like "Oh, sorry.", but never stopped doing it the entire time...
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/15 06:43 PM
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Robbie Milam
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It doesn't have anything to do about being in the bass boat, can't fix stupid.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/14/15 01:46 PM
Joined: Jun 2014
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fishing from a kayak for a few years will teach you more about patience than anything, on several levels.
but believe this, you go chunk a 3oz sinker at someones boat and chip some gelcoat or something similar, youre asking for big trouble, and the tough guy talking about boarding a boat and starting a fight, another really dumb idea, the castle doctrine also applies to your boat, great way to get killed......over a fish
just take it easy is all Im saying, youre never going to fix a problem if the problem is stupid people
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/15/15 01:28 AM
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District Paddle
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I have a few pretty simple rules:
1. If I haven't drug my kayak far enough through the trees/rocks/grass to break a serious sweat, I am launching at the wrong place.
2. If I see anyone else fishing where I am at, I am at the wrong spot.
I got into kayaking to get off the grid, so to speak.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/15/15 01:32 AM
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District Paddle
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Don't get me wrong, I fish the big water too.
But I prefer the backwater stuff.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: Daniel Mtanous]
10/15/15 03:42 AM
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house cleaner
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It's a miracle this thread hasn't been deleted because I made a thread last month about boaters complaining about bank fishermen (Which they got us removed and we got "our warning".)at the Oasis Boat Ramp for Joe Pool and it got deleted in less than 24 hours.
Had a guy crossing lines like crazy at Joe Pool where you pay to indoor fish. He never stopped and took up a lane just threw his line over everyone else's and was like "Oh, sorry.", but never stopped doing it the entire time... Not even remotely similar to that thread you speak of, based just on the facts you provided in that post. Please don't get this thread locked because you still can't see why that one was locked.
Re: whats up with motor boat bass guys
[Re: christian myrick]
10/16/15 02:18 AM
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Mark Ray
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When somebody gets to close while I am fishing I close up the gap some and start asking if I can borrow stuff and asking personal awkward questions. You wouldn't believe how fast people will clear out when they think they are dealing with a mentally unstable person...
Moderated by banker-always fishing, chickenman, Derek 🐝, Duck_Hunter, Fish Killer, J-2, Jacob, Jons3825, JustWingem, Nocona Brian, Toon-Troller, Uncle Zeek, Weekender1