Good idea but, I don't see that is going to happen.
Their (TRWD) total concern is water users in Fort Worth and MONEY! Having said that, I will qualify my statement. I emailed TRWD from their website and apparently, the person who replied did not like my statement.
I will enclose the email exchange and let you decide for yourself.
My comment: Comments or Questions : 'NEW' Twin Points
> Park closed? This has been open less than ONE YEAR and no one had the
foresight to plan for a longer ramp to launch and recover boats? I don't know what genius this is/was but, this should have been give a LOT MORE CONSIDERATION!
Reply:From: Chad Lorance []
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: Email from TRWD website
Fred, thanks for the email. Actually, the ramp was the longest one on the lake. However, Mother Nature beat us on this one. We built it as far as we could the last time the lake was down this low, and we will entertain extending if the lake drops further. Thanks again for your input.
Chad Lorance TRWD
My last reply: From: Fred []
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:37 PM
To: Chad Lorance
Subject: RE: Email from TRWD website
Thank you for your reply BUT, i would remind you that the entire state of Texas HAS been in a drought cycle for years now. It may well be the longest ramp on EM lake but, some thought to making this launch even longer AND please, try to conserve a little more water for EM rather than passing on down to Lake Worth.
I realize and am well aware the lake was NOT built for recreational purposes but, boaters do spend money, pay taxes and they all vote I assure you.
Reply: Fred, thanks again for your input. You are correct they were built for water supply purposes, and we will continue to move the water to the reservoirs where our customers can access it more readily (Lake Worth). It has nothing to do with preference of one reservoir over another for fishing or boating purposes.
The City of Fort Worth's water intake at Lake Worth is at a certain elevation and if we don't maintain it they cannot get their water. The folks in Fort Worth who pay TRWD taxes expect us to make sure they have adequate water, which is what we have done a great job of considering the state of other large cities around Texas (Witchita Falls, Abilene, etc) Despite the hand Mother Nature has dealt us we still remain in Stage 1 of our drought plan. Others in our area are in stages 2 and 3 at this point.
Unfortunately, we are the midst of the second worst drought in the state's history and there has been no recovery. In regards to Eagle Mountain, we have put the equivalent of an additional EM Lake back into that reservoir since Oct 2012 through our pipeline operations. I would say Eagle Mountain would have been close to 20 percent full right now because of the drought and usage by residents if we hadn't do so.
In addition, I just checked and Twin Points boat ramp opened in April 2013.
Chad Lorance
My 2 cent opinion: I thought the reply was arrogant in the claim to taking accolades about having put water in the lake and prevent us from being in a stage 2 or even 3 drought,(he failed to mention just how much was being released to Lake Worth for Fort Worth water users - who at least some, must have almost unrestricted water usage!
I did not remind him of some of the highest launch fees charged around, the tax payers on and around Eagle Mountain Lake, or the many other sources of revenue they take in just because of this lake.
All of this was because I offended him over not having the engineering and planning review the length and dept of the launch ramp (even take in the consideration that we have been in a now multiple year drought)
Well, make your own opinion, just thought I would share at least this one persons position on EM.
Sounds like now would be a good time to extend the ramp. They are losing quite a bit of revenue with the ramp closed.