Texas Fishing Forum

Galeston In November

Posted By: David Lee

Galeston In November - 08/27/02 10:09 PM

I am going to go to Galveston the first weekend in November. I was wondering what the weather is like that time of year. If you guys could help me out I would appreciate it.

Posted By: Mo

Re: Galeston In November - 08/28/02 01:57 PM

DLee-- Remember Galveston is in
Texas, If you are there for a week you
can see all kinds of weather.
It should be nice-- , but it could
still be hot at time of year. People
down there think they are freezing if
it gets below 60.
Should still be good for bull reds( not
talking from experience here, just what I
I have fished with Mike Williams before and would do it again, He fishs a big open Boston Whaler for Shark, Tarpon , reds and specks. He has guided out of Galveston for years and knows the water and the patterns.
If you are taking a boat, you might want to try the ends of the jetties. Never can
tell what you might hook up with out there.
Good Luck MO
Posted By: whopperstopper

Re: Galeston In November - 08/28/02 03:03 PM

We did pretty good on Bull Reds last year from the Galveston Pier. A Cold front had just blown in, so the pier was almost empty in the middle of the week, but we caught lots of fish because the water was still warm. That is a great way to fish, pier to yourself and the fish biting! I dont think the Bull Reds care if the water is cold or not tell you the truth.. I have caught them year around. Here is a pic of a Red I caught in February from the beach. I had a shorty wetsuit on because that water was CCCOOOOLLLLDDD! But the fish did'nt mind at all!


TexSafaris Outdoor Adventures
Posted By: Wannabefishin

Re: Galeston In November - 08/29/02 02:02 AM

Can't speak much for myself, but will pass this on: My dad used to catch some nice bull reds in November fishing the west end of Galveston. I was just a kid and didn't get to fish. I kept him company on those long, cold nights, sitting in the car waiting for the clicker on his Penn reel to start sounding off. And it rang out with regularity for him. He would wade out in his waders, cast a mullet, and put the rod in a holder next to the car. Ten Lucky Strikes (the cigarettes)later...BAM! Redfish. November, as Whopperstopper said, is still a good month for reds in Galveston!
Give it a go. Wish I was down there instead of here in Georgia!
Posted By: Wannabefishin

Re: Galeston In November - 08/29/02 01:17 PM

Maybe it was five Lucky Strikes later! Ten took quite a while even for my dad! But he caught plenty on big reds in the fall months.
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