Texas Fishing Forum

I am so blessed

Posted By: Catfish Tim

I am so blessed - 03/12/22 08:32 PM

Y'all know I post a lot on this forum. I love the catfish family on here and it is so much fun sharing experiences with so many like minded guys. Some time I get really technical and go down a rabbit hole on tactics or some other issue. Most days I work hard at fishing when I'm on the water. El Gato calls it a grind some times and it can be exactly that. I never let it get to be so much work that I don't enjoy it. I have been working hard since I was 10 years old. I have always enjoyed things that took some effort. Today was a little different. Today there was no work. I caught bait and I put out boards and pulled them with the trolling motor because the lake was glass. It was a little chilly but not cold. But today was special. Today I started over. Today was the very first day that Sawyer, my youngest granddaughter, Wyatt's little sister, who just turned 2 years old, went fishing with me.

My heart is so full. Watching her experience everything for the first time was so special. She had that sense of wonder when we put the throttle down and got the boat up on plane, same thing when we pulled up the cast net with bait in it. She jumped up on the front deck and grabbed the hand line and started pulling it in "helping" me. She was blown away and a little scared when we turned those 6" shad into an 18 pound blue. She was breathing in the fresh air and seeing everything and when her nap time came around she fell fast asleep on her mama's lap to the rocking of the boat.

As we were headed back to the ramp we blew through about a thousand cormorants and gulls sitting on the water and they almost didn't get out of the way in time. We had to come off plane to keep from running them over. She was amazed by it all. It was such a special day. Only fished for about a hour and a half, and only caught the one fish. But it was enough. We had a great day. I can't wait to do it again...

God Bless & Tight Lines

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Posted By: Beak47

Re: I am so blessed - 03/12/22 11:08 PM

She is a doll and way to get her started chasing blues. My 2 granddaughters are here for Spring Break and it makes for a great week!
Posted By: Bluecat Bob

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 12:02 AM

She is a doll!

So glad you got out on the water with her today, and caught a whopper! Clearly she is made of the right stuff, as it was pretty cold even later in the morning.

Memories to last a lifetime. I hope her big brother was gracious when she returned (sibling rivalry and all that).
Posted By: Whistlebritches

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 02:01 AM

Good job getting the little doll out there chasing blues...............memories she will never forget I assure you
Posted By: Ed-n-eddy

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 02:12 AM

clap thumb

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 02:56 AM

Very nice day and great memories !
Posted By: banker-always fishing

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 03:46 AM

Priceless! cheers
Posted By: 🍀El Gato Azul🍀

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 08:00 AM

Pure Greatness buddy! A day with the kiddos involved beats grinding for big fish hands down!
Posted By: Catfish Tim

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 11:00 AM

Thanks y'all. Don't know what I'd do without these littles in my life. Love having them here with us all the time.
Posted By: Blue Blazer 2400

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 02:03 PM

Awesome memories Tim. Her face is priceless in the pic with the Shad
Posted By: Catfish Lynn

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 03:01 PM

Brings back memories. My daughter was 1 1/2 sitting on the bank with her lifejacket on beside her grandpa rod-n-reeling while I ran my lines upriver on the Trinity River. Within a year or so, she was running lines. But at not quite 4 in JUly 1985, she was with me when I pulled in "Big'Un" (a 60+ pound Op) that I had been using my catfish calendar to stay on top of (trying to finally pull it in from August 1983). I had it on the line several times, but it always managed to get off. Especially on vacation In June 1984, when we finally thought we had it, trotline going up & down river, Going down & up, and boiling water until it got off just before we could get to it. I'm glad Kristina was there when I finally caught "Big'Un".

Congrats on the memories made!!!
Posted By: skeetmaster

Re: I am so blessed - 03/13/22 08:11 PM

Tim, It's funny to see such a big strong guy like you turn to butter in that little ones hands! You are obviously reaping what you've sowed! Well done man, well done...
Posted By: Holzer

Re: I am so blessed - 03/14/22 02:45 PM

Great times right there!
Posted By: Fishin' Nut

Re: I am so blessed - 03/14/22 06:59 PM

My grand daughter can't wait to visit her PawPaw in July to try and catch a big cat.
Posted By: littlewheel

Re: I am so blessed - 03/14/22 09:17 PM

This summer I am taking my 3 year old grandson out. I am so looking forward to it!
Posted By: Catfish Tim

Re: I am so blessed - 03/16/22 11:49 AM

Guys all I can say is having those littles in the boat changes everything. It makes the whole thing so much more fun.
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