Texas Fishing Forum

First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear.

Posted By: KevinB

First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/13/17 09:05 PM

Well I was having a good day catching but then I had my first roll over. Glad I was wearing my life jacket. The water was much more shocking to me system then I would have thought on a day like today. Anyway I got 3 rods and some other gear in about 15 foot of water. I know the location pretty precisely. I tried dragging my claw anchor with no luck. Any advise for retrieving them apart from going swimming.
Posted By: Mudshark

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/13/17 09:08 PM

I wonder how a strong magnet would work? You can buy one for dragging the yard at Home Depot.
Posted By: Mudman63

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/13/17 10:01 PM

SCUBA diving?
Posted By: Tallgrass05

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/13/17 10:18 PM

See if there's a local scuba or diving club and offer them $50 to get the stuff.

Posted By: Fisherman13

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/13/17 11:34 PM

Take another rod out there with braided line and drag a bomber slab on the bottom you should be able to snag the rods. The bomber slabs are like $2 at walmart so you can take a few in case you get hung up and loose one. Sometimes with braid if you get hung up you can straighten out a hook but not always. Hope you get your rods back and sucks that you rolled over. I haven't rolled over yet but I did loose a rod over the side sadly it was in 48 ft of water at Texoma so I wasn't snagging and getting that one back.
Posted By: Fisherman13

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/13/17 11:38 PM

Also invest in some rod floats. I did after I lost a rod and its the best insurance. They take some getting used to but they no longer bother me that they are there. Occaisionally the line will snag the float but its not a big deal.
Posted By: lconn4

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/14/17 03:11 AM

Might try getting a metal stringer and opening them up and dragging.
Posted By: christian myrick

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/14/17 11:40 AM

Possibly try to throw a castnet on the stuff
Posted By: IslandJim

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/14/17 12:42 PM

I use a really big treble hook with a lead weight sinker at the eye for a "grapple", when needed. Treble hooks will snag anything but a fish. Heavy, non-floating line would help. Good luck!
Posted By: RealBigReel

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/14/17 05:38 PM

Would a cast net work?
Posted By: SARG

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/14/17 11:03 PM

Write it off to experience then go buy floats/tethers for your rods and tackle boxs or whatever.
I take only what I need,secure everything I take,I keep or can retrieve if need be everything I take.
Piling a bunch of junk on a yak for what if and maybe is "over thinking" and trying to appear professional to some level I heard several say as of late.
Posted By: KevinB

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/14/17 11:43 PM

Went back out and snagged one of them today. Need a longer rope and a heavier weight to maintain better bottom contact.
Posted By: Fisherman13

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/15/17 02:32 PM

Originally Posted By: KevinB
Went back out and snagged one of them today. Need a longer rope and a heavier weight to maintain better bottom contact.

Cool good deal man.
Posted By: lconn4

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/15/17 06:13 PM

Five inch flutter spoon might work, plenty of weight and easy to get loose if it snags. Glad you got some of it back. cheers
Posted By: yakkityyak

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/15/17 06:32 PM

Big Diamond Jig with treble hooks, like you would use fishing for Bluefish in the ocean.
Posted By: B_Rod

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/16/17 12:10 AM

Cast net idea is a good one, but depending on the bottom, it might get snagged on rocks or stumps/laydowns/etc too. I'd still try, especially if they were quality rod-n-reels. Remember that gear sinking in water doesn't always go straight down. You may have to expand the search area if no luck at first.
Posted By: KevinB

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/16/17 04:03 PM

Originally Posted By: B_Rod
Cast net idea is a good one, but depending on the bottom, it might get snagged on rocks or stumps/laydowns/etc too. I'd still try, especially if they were quality rod-n-reels. Remember that gear sinking in water doesn't always go straight down. You may have to expand the search area if no luck at first.

The bottom is pretty plain at the site. mostly just flat and clear of an obstructions. I've never thrown a cast net before so I'm not sure if I would be effective with it.
Posted By: need2fish2

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/18/17 02:38 PM

I have recovered several rods and reel using an old chain clip stringer and a old spool of trotline cord. Just open all the clips and use it to drag. I still keep one in my bass boat.
Posted By: need2fish2

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/18/17 02:46 PM

I have recovered several rods and reel using an old chain clip stringer and a old spool of trotline cord. Just open all the clips and use it to drag. I still keep one in my bass boat.
Posted By: KevinB

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/21/17 04:36 AM

Went out today with a 1 oz slab that I put a huge treble hook on. I was able to get all my rods back and all but one of my Plano tackle organizers. Big relief

Now its time for some rod floats.
Posted By: Brad R

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/21/17 10:38 AM

Kevin, from my own post regarding yesterday's turtle, I actually had the hook that was lodged in the lily pad . . . stuck in the back of my shirt! So, the line was still attached to the one of two rods that went for a swim. After I got back in the kayak, I was able to retrieve it. I'm very glad the hook didn't travel another 1/4" and lodge itself in my skin!

While my "dunking" was an odd thing related to water sloshing left with me as I leaned left, even for my Propel 10, I'll assume now that I am not bullet proof and consider how best to float and lock down things.

And, one thing comes to mind and that is this rubber coated wire that freely bends into any shape. I bought some years ago. Let me see if I can find the source. I have used it more in transport than on the water but you just wrap it around an object, then anchor it with a twist or two. A very cool utility for a kayaker.

Posted By: JackCaster

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/21/17 02:08 PM

Using an old chain clip stringer really works. I retrieved a rod and reel from 20' on RR back in the day on the second throw. Use a small diameter rope/cord and weight the end clip. Open all the clips and start tossing and dragging. Good luck!
Posted By: IslandJim

Re: First time rollling over. Advice for retrieving gear. - 05/21/17 11:27 PM

Kevin: I told you a treble hook would snag anything but a fish! Glad you found most of your stuff.
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