Texas Fishing Forum

Thinking about adding bass to my pond

Posted By: Onski26

Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/17/12 06:16 PM

I have about a 2/3 acre pond, 8' is the deepest spot. I'm debating adding bass to my existing squad of catfish and bluegill. Will they kill off my bluegill? They're not that big, maybe 4-6" at the most. And will my pond be able to accomidate them (is it deep enough)?
Any suggestions?

Posted By: Meadowlark

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/17/12 06:49 PM

My thought is that generally bass do better in ponds at least 1 acre or more....but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try them. I have them in both 1/2 acre and 1/4 ponds and they do just fine. They just don't reach the large weights that bass will in larger ponds. For example, I think the largest I've raised is about 8 ponds in a 1/2 acre pond, 5 pounds in 1/4 acre pond; whereas bass over 10 pounds raised in larger ponds.

Yes, your pond is deep enough. They will feed on the bluegills...but that isn't necessarily bad. The bluegills that survive will generally grow larger, much larger.

It just depends on what you want from your pond.

Posted By: Onski26

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/17/12 08:02 PM

Thanks for the input. It's a pretty established pond, probably 5 years old at least. Previous owner stocked cats & gills. Some of the cats are probably pushing 10lbs. He swore there was a 15lbs in there but I have yet to confirm that. I was just worried the bass would wipe out my bluegill population. I don't have any real structure either yet. Probably going to add some PVC nests and a rock bed. Kind of new at being a pond owner.
Thanks again for the advice. I sure would like to be able to put some bass in there too.

Posted By: Dave Davidson

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/18/12 10:16 AM

It can certainly be done but, for the best results, fish hard and cull small bass after the 2nd year. And that can be tough to do. The bass are easily conditioned to fishing pressure.

With only cats as a predator, the bluegills might need some thinning. They just can't handle BG reproduction.

Catch and release and too small to keep bass can over run and ruin a 2/3 acre pond.

Posted By: bferris

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/22/12 04:47 AM

Definitely add bass!!! Can't wait to have a bass pond...

Posted By: Bluwave Mike

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/22/12 05:30 AM

Do it if thats what you want and cull them out when needed.

Posted By: Onski26

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/22/12 06:20 PM

Thanks for the help guys. I was just worried about them surviving in that little water and eating all my gillies.

Posted By: Amy Saterfiel

Re: Thinking about adding bass to my pond - 05/23/12 03:34 AM

thumbs up

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