Texas Fishing Forum

Fork grass

Posted By: Frank the Tank

Fork grass - 03/28/21 03:57 PM

In what year was the grass killed off at Fork? The most recent? Has it been done
Multiple times? I’m curious.
Posted By: Ken A.

Re: Fork grass - 03/28/21 04:21 PM

It started when the lake was 7 feet low Jon. Fork lost a lot of grass due to that before the spraying started. It's not just spraying that killed the grass.
Posted By: Rog

Re: Fork grass - 03/28/21 04:30 PM

First time was late 90s. When “LMBV” hit. Then again in early 2000s I think like 07 ish. The back of Glade and Birch was full of grass/hydrilla again then all of a sudden they weren’t. Then about three or four years ago Birch was sprayed heavy. Pics/videos were posted. The grass mostly native and pads haven’t come back yet. Last summer the pond weed out in front of alligator got sprayed in the late summer and alligator itself. Good stands of native grass were growing and they all of a sudden disappeared. It’s pretty much happening all the time now.
Posted By: Douglas J

Re: Fork grass - 03/28/21 05:10 PM

2008-2013 I did a lot of night fishing. Used to see airboats at night spraying regularly
Posted By: Medinalakeguy

Re: Fork grass - 03/28/21 06:12 PM

Is there any grass now? Headed up next weekend for the first time in a couple of years, and would like to preferably fish some sort of vegetation.
Posted By: Rog

Re: Fork grass - 03/28/21 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by Medinalakeguy
Is there any grass now? Headed up next weekend for the first time in a couple of years, and would like to preferably fish some sort of vegetation.

A little in the very back of some creeks but it gets hammered. Its significantly less than a couple of years ago and almost zero if you were used to fishing it ion the 90s.
Posted By: Frank the Tank

Re: Fork grass - 03/28/21 10:31 PM

Thx guys
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