Texas Fishing Forum

Gibbons Creek?

Posted By: skeeterusa

Gibbons Creek? - 07/11/19 08:00 PM

I'm planning on taking my boat to A&M in a week or so for some weekend entertainment before my class kicks off on the 22nd. Has anyone been do any good on GC?
Years past I typically pick up a few here and there but have never got into them. Is anyone willing to throw me a bone to help get me started on a more successful trip?

Also, my back seat will be open and I don't mind taking a fellow TFF'er but please have a clue with performing basic fishing task (tying a knot etc..)..... the last one didn't and it was, let's just say it was challenging!

Tight lines
Posted By: McLovin’

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/11/19 08:23 PM

Man when I lived in CS (years ago) that place was putting out some big fish.
I haven't been in long time but my friends in Brazos county tell me it's just about dead.
The have killed a lot of grass and I don't think it gets stocked anymore
Posted By: skeeterusa

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/12/19 05:50 PM

That's pretty much what I've always heard. I'm just looking for something to do but it's always nice to catch a few!
Posted By: Rayzor

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/13/19 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by Mudbone
Man when I lived in CS (years ago) that place was putting out some big fish.
I haven't been in long time but my friends in Brazos county tell me it's just about dead.
The have killed a lot of grass and I don't think it gets stocked anymore

I am sure there are a few fish still in there but I wouldn't waste my time on GC. The power plant was shut down a few years back and it hasn't been stocked with anything in 8 years. Depending on where you live, you'd be better off going to Fayette County or Bastrop. Lake Somerville is closed.
Posted By: Aggiebasser05

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/13/19 12:20 AM

Sending you a pm.
Posted By: TopwaterTom

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/15/19 01:25 AM

GC is still a good lake from Jan-May, after that its tough. The comments above are right, they killed off the grass awhile back, so that was a big hurt to the fishing. They are also only open Fri-Sun.
I'll say it like above, head over to Fayette County or Bastrop. I was at Fayette this past weekend and it was slow, but caught some big fish.
Posted By: tbone 2374

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/15/19 02:15 PM

Wow, sad to hear about GC...I've always had good luck, there!
Posted By: skeeterusa

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/15/19 02:26 PM

Thanks for the PM Aggie.... I'm somewhat familiar with fishing the structure you described just in a different part of the lake. I will make a pass or 2 and see if I can locate what you are talking about.
This will be my first year having a bass boat over there with decent electronics etc... years past I've just been kicking around in my duck boat. Hopefully, I can locate some more productive water.
Fayette and Bastrop will not be doable on this trip. I will only be there for a week and wont have a full day for making a trip down to either of those lakes. My known fishing days will be Fri / Sat afternoon and Sunday morning possibly Sunday evening.
I know Sommerville is high but If anyone has some insider info on a possible launch location I would like to give it a shot... never been there!

Thanks for the info guys
Posted By: BillS2006

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/17/19 01:24 PM

The fish are still there, they just adapted to their new environment, the same thing fishermen need to do.
Posted By: skeeterusa

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/17/19 02:01 PM

I will be a little better equipped (boat/electronics) than years past so hopefully I can find a couple of new productive areas. Otherwise, I will fall back on my 2 somewhat reliable spots near the dam. I only get to fish it once a year so its taking awhile for me to put much of a game plan together. Last year was pretty much a wash, I concentrated on the north end and found some viable spots but couldn't get bit. My game plan right now is to stay south and look for some offshore structure and get out on that looong point where I always see folks wack'em. Hopefully, I can learn a little more this year and just keep building on that.
Posted By: WhiskyFire

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/17/19 09:51 PM

You can launch at Somerville off the shore at Welch Park(pretty doable if your not stupid) and at Somerville Marina by Overlook Park.
Posted By: skeeterusa

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/20/19 03:23 AM

Well I just caught one dink this evening on Gibbons. I will give it another try tomorrow evening.
Posted By: Aggiebasser05

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/20/19 02:29 PM

The morning has been better than the evening for me. Been catch 10-20 by lunch up to 5#. If you like white bass fishing you can go after them too. Had some 50+ white bass mornings.
Posted By: skeeterusa

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/20/19 02:44 PM

I might be able to go tomorrow morning. I did run across a school of WB near the intake but none of them could get ahold of my spook. I’m fixing to make some calls to see if I can get into Somerville this evening.
Posted By: Aggiebasser05

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/20/19 04:11 PM

You can get into Somerville. Go to overlook park. I might be at Somerville this evening and Gibbons in the morning too.
Posted By: skeeterusa

Re: Gibbons Creek? - 07/20/19 04:30 PM

I called them earlier and the shack was open so I will be staying the night there. I will be heading out in a hour or so to head that way. If you see a red/blk/white Tr21 swing by....
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