Richland Chambers Lake October 5th
James Reed who recently started helping me with my guide business was out doing a little scouting Saturday October 5th and what a trip. Just one word needed to describe his trip, awesome. Sand bass, catfish and crappie all during a morning of fishing.
Want to go fishing but not sure what you would like to fish for; then why not do a combination trip. You might like to go after the fun to catch sand bass and end the trip with some good eating blue catfish or maybe some crappie which ranks as one of the best fresh water fish you can put on your plate. You may prefer just to target sand bass and hybrid stripers and enjoy the excitement of catching these hard fighting fish. James and I will be more than happy to schedule a fishing trip of your choice so give me a call at 214-728-3310 and lets go fishing. You can visit my web site at for trip information and more pictures.