Hit the water with two friends of mine looking to improve our redfish for an online photo tournament we're entered in.

My buddy put a pretty good whoopin' on both of us. He ended up with somewhere around 7 reds. 3-5 keepers I'm guessing with a nice 25" that helped his overall length in the online tourney. He also scored a nice flounder in the 17-18" range.

My first three fish went like this: flounder, trout, redfish. Got them all on the same stretch of shoreline in about 30 minutes of each other on a TTF Killer Flats Minnow in "plumkin" on a black/red eye Rockport Rattler jighead... too bad for me they were all undersized. mad Added one other 23" red that hit a spinnerbait equipped with a Rockport Rattler and a red shad TTF Killer Flats Minnow.

All fish were released with the exception of the flounder.

Most of the action was in the morning with the incoming tide. As the tide slacked off later in the afternoon the bite went with it. Wind REALLY kicked up out of the S/SE and made for a tough paddle back to the truck.

No fishing for me

Was going to take the wife out somewhere to do some paddling but after the downpours in the morning and the potential for 90 degree temperatures in the evening I think that idea was put to rest.

I live on a good sized sandpit - I'd say between 6-9 acres. After the rain I headed out there to take advantage of the cloudy skies and light winds in hope for a midday topwater bite. It was definitely there but it didn't last long as the sun peaked out after I was only on the water for 30 minutes or so and that shut things down.

Caught 5 or 6 all on tops near grass in 6-8 ft. of water. They were really hammering it too. One fish came all the way out of the water - knocked the spook about three feet in the air - did a flip and landed... then came back and flew out of the water again. The second time he got the hooks. Pretty cool.

Here's a couple pictures I got. Check out the second fish - the entire side of his mouth is missing. He appeared to be healed up and doing okay though.

Notice in the first picture it's still cloudy. This was one of the first fish I caught. The second picture you can see the sun is back out - that was the last fish I caught. Once that sun came out it was over.