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What is wrong with my Penn Senator 14/0?
01/14/23 03:27 AM
Joined: Jul 2021
Posts: 8
Reid D
Green Horn
Green Horn
Joined: Jul 2021
Posts: 8 |
I recently bought 2 14/0 Penn Senators off of EBay. One of the is perfect and brand new the other looks new but there is something a matter with the free spool lever and I need help figuring it out. The pictures shows the gold piece where the free spool lever is screwed on. But the problem is the gold price doesn’t stick out of the reel so you can’t screw on the free spool lever. Please help!
Re: What is wrong with my Penn Senator 14/0?
[Re: Reid D]
02/14/23 12:48 AM
Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 178
Capt Rob
Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 178 | Senator 14/0 Model 117 complete take apart and service I would probably ask your reel questions under the Rod / Reel section of the forum in the future
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