My Shoreline Traveling Backpack For Whipping (Spin Casting)!
Years ago i got this insulated backpack from a local tackle shop Charley's Fishing Supply & never had much chance to use it as it was stuffed in back of my storage unit. I found the pics & vid on my external drive so i went to my storage unit and found it in the back with several older Shimano Reels still sealed in boxes from Roy's Fishing Supply inside of the bag.
Since i no longer use CI4's or Stadics i gave them away to my good friends. It's about time i start using this backpack again. I only use it for Moi (Threadfins) as now i release all other species that i whip for during the day. It has held 10lb Pao'pao (Golden Trevally), 8lb Omliu (Bluefin Trevally) to 10lb O'io (Bonefish) with no issues including my ice bottles, drinks & food as well. Nowadays i rarely keep what i catch. But i do keep my Akules (Scads) as i use them for bait.
Traveled the World diving & fishing. Became a ranked billiard player in Asia. Won a few senior bowling tournaments. I travel to the US, Australia & Europe working with museums & doing educational lectures.