For the last six weeks the big sunnies on Lady Bird Lake have been getting active. Seems like they're chasing the shad and minnows up Barton Creek in particular. I'd spend all day in Barton Creek but the last four weeks someone in Scuba Gear has been swimming under all of the fishing kayaks in the creek as soon as the sun comes up. (I'm thinking of rigging the biggest treble I can find on some 120 lb braid, what's the catch and release record for Austin Jack@ss?) Caught some big fish on the main lake as well. Caught all of these on either a Bitsy Minnow or Matzuo Nanocrank.
Caught this monster in about 3" of water just below the Barton Springs Pool on 9/13.
and this monster in the same spot on 8/30.
Caught my PB Redbreast on 8/16.
Another big one from August.
From 9/20.
My first cast on 9/27, about an hour before sunrise just below the Barton Springs Pool.
The big fish of the day on 9/27 before I got chased off by Jacque Costeau (she jumped ship as I was trying to get a picture of her on my bump board, she was just over 10 1/4).
For my bass fishing friends, don't be afraid to come out to Lady Bird. I've been catching monsters like this all summer!