How Good Is LineDancer? Does It Really Entice Fish To Strike?

I've been using LineDancer for over 6yrs. When you can go whipping "spin casting" at night during a bright full moon & still catch fish, yes it's awesome! Today Scott came by late in the afternoon as i was slowly packing-up. I've fished next to him a few times before. Scott showed me his 3-pack of LineDancers & asked me if i knew how to mount them & if they really work as advertised?

It's been years but i still remembered how to place them & explain how to use them. On his 3rd cast Scott hooked-up to a pan sized Omilu "Bluefin Trevally". It was good to see a fellow angler excited over using a new fishing product. So i decided to enhance this experience with a few add ons the following day. Thanks Scott for letting me use your experience with LineDancer!

Attached Files LineDancer2.JPG

Traveled the World diving & fishing. Became a ranked billiard player in Asia. Won a few senior bowling tournaments. I travel to the US, Australia & Europe working with museums & doing educational lectures.