Texas Fishing Forum

Urban pond that's pretty good!

Posted By: Lovfldx

Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/19/02 04:14 PM

If any of ya live in the North Dallas area, there is a pretty good, clear water, water table fed pond off Midway and 635. I have fished that pond since 1970, when I was in high school, and the property where it sits was a boarding stable for horses.

If ya have kids, it is an excellent place to take them for some mega bull bluegills, that readily bite Canadian night crawlers and bread dough!

It is also overloaded with bass, and as a result, they are mostly stunted or real slender. But there are also some VERY GOOD sized bass in there as well.

The pond also has some huge channel cat in it, and some pretty good sized crappie!

It is located on the same side as the Walmart, kinda across the street from it, on Bluelake Circle. It is in the middle of an office park. The only thing about it is, with smaller kids, I strongly recommend that you fish the west bank, where the grass is lush, and the shoreline is flat. The pond is fairly deep, and kinda slanted or flat out steep! Also, if by the one in a million chance the 'gills don't cooperate, take some crackers or old bread, the resident duck population would appreciate it, lol!

To get there, take 635 to Midway Rd. Take Midway north, to the stoplight by the Luby's Cafeteria(on the left, about a block from the Freeway). Go left(west)at the light,and pull into the parking lot of the office park directly infront of you. veer to the right, and you will see the pond to your left. park, and walk to the water. Good luck.

Posted By: gonemaroon

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/19/02 08:34 PM

Will fishing there get us arrested?
Posted By: Brad

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/19/02 08:50 PM

Probaly. That's how Rudy eliminates all the bank fishing competition. Seriously, not sure about the getting arrested part but I do know Rudy is the expert on urban bank fishing spots.
Posted By: Vicki Allen

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/19/02 11:54 PM


Since you seem to be the expert on urban bank fishing locations, please check out my post at Bank Fishing "Book on Fishing in Dallas County". I would be especially interested in your RATINGS of any of the places in this list that you have fished or any new places you think should be added. Most of the ratings in the list are from my own trips to some of these places many years ago and also the ratings the authors gave them in the book. I would be glad to snail mail you or anyone else a copy of all of this on a CD if you are interested.

Yahoo Briefcase rules have apparently changed again so if anyone would like a copy on CD, let me know.

[This message has been edited by Vicki Allen (edited 06-02-2002).]
Posted By: Lovfldx

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/20/02 03:01 AM

You won't get arrested! It only requires that you keep your dogs leashed. On weekends, a lot of dads/little shavers out there learning the basics, with cooperative bluegills, a surprise bass or channel cat, and some pleasantly surprising crappie providing the action. Peaceful, pretty and landscaped. The Luby's is across the street if ya get hungry, or the Walmart across the street has a Mickey D's inside.

Posted By: Hack

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/20/02 10:40 PM

Hit the pond today about noon. Caught 4 Bass 1to 2 lbs. To bad you can only get to about 1/3 of the lake from the bank
Posted By: Lovfldx

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 04/21/02 04:12 AM

Glad to hear ya caught some, Hack. I trust the water was fairly clear, and if you walked around it and took a good look, you should have been able to see some bass most everywhere you looked, and the bluegills should be running the shore, getting ready to fan out some nests. There are also some fairly good sized green sunfish, some in the 8-9 inch range, which is pretty sizeable for this particular species.

Posted By: Breamgetter

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 05/10/02 07:20 PM

Hey Rudy!!
You are right as always man! This is a great looking pond, you would forget you were in the city if those buildings didnt surround it. I walked around it with my polarized glasses on and saw bass swimming around like packs of wolves. Most all of them were in the 12-14" range. They were tearing into all the bass fry that were swimming around. Did happen to catch one respectable 2 pounder though. My question is, where the hell are the Bream? I fished around the whole edge and didnt even get a bite! I used worms and some small feather crappie jigs that I have a lot of luck with breamfishin. I spotted a few very small bream but i didnt see anything but bass. How deep is that pond and if you have any suggestions on catching those bream, id appreciate it!!!
Posted By: Lovfldx

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 05/11/02 05:50 PM

the bream are there, I promise. My most effective way of catching them is to use ultralight gear, 4-6 lb test, #4 wire aberdeen hooks, tied directly to the line. No floats, no weights. Smother the hook with as much of a canadian night crawler as it will hold. Pitch it out, let it sink, the weird weight of the hook, the worm and the light line will give it a natural fluttering action in the water. The bream will swarm it. Try to pitch it into the deeper, darker water. Your best bet to get the big 'gills it to try to make it to the bottom. They are down there, I promise! With any luck at all, that fluttering will attract one of those 5-10 channel cats that are in there!!

Good luck,
Posted By: Lovfldx

Re: Urban pond that's pretty good! - 05/11/02 05:53 PM

I meant to say 5-10 lb. channel cats!

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