Texas Fishing Forum


Posted By: Fisherdad58

Thoughts - 03/08/20 11:56 AM

I'm just getting started at painting some baits. A buddy gave me a couple of airbrushes and some paints. I've had in my head some colors and patterns that I've wanted for years and thought I would give it a shot. I don't fish crankbaits that much because they don't usually catch as much as plastics but I would like to see that change some. So far I've finished about a dozen baits and messed some up pretty good. I'm having problems with how much paint to put on, getting the paint to go where I want it to, blending the right colors, etc, etc.
Here are the last few I've done. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Posted By: DCM1988

Re: Thoughts - 03/08/20 06:32 PM

I think those look great! Are the cranks balsa blanks or plastics?
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 03/08/20 11:24 PM

I thank you for that. Those are all plastics.

Here are a couple of old Bagley's balsa baits I repainted. The 1st one turned out pretty close to what I wanted after a few touchups for my many mistakes. That Bluegill just got way too much paint on it trying too cover up my mistakes. I have more of those to try for later though.

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Posted By: SenkoSam

Re: Thoughts - 03/09/20 05:07 AM

Those colors are perfect for any water stain! There is no perfect anything when it comes to colors that catch fish. Your colors have exactly what is needed to catch fish of any species: light reflection, contrasting colors, texture simulations (scale patterns), unnatural color combinations that catch and hold a fish's eye and most important: choosing to use crankbait lure shapes and bill designs known to catch bass.

The cool visual effect about crankbaits is twofold: when in motion, colors are blurred but reflection is not. When paused during the retrieve, the colors stand out, details are noticed and fish strike provocation is complete once the lure starts to move.

I strive to do what you've done with hard plastic and apply it to soft plastic lures I pour or fuse together using a candle flame. But an idea you might consider: clear plastic plugs. I made different lure designs using clear plastic right from the jug and caught as many fish as those with color. Then I used a soft plastic glue to add craft glitter in very small amounts to body and tail surfaces. Again success generating strikes.

I always appreciate anglers that are artists when it comes to lures. Over 30 years ago I painted coach dog pattern using black nail polish on chartreuse crankbaits with orange bellies. One can never be sure is mattered, but it sure as h*** didn't hurt !
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 03/09/20 03:11 PM

Thanks for the input Sam. I pretty much know what I want them to look like. Just not real sure if that translates to what a fish wants to see from one day to the next. If I can ever get one up on the battle with the airbrush maybe I'll be able to get a broader range of colors and contrasts.

I haven't thought about the clear baits in a while. Fish are used to seeing things that take on the colors of their surroundings and blend in. You don't see many on the store shelves these days. I guess they don't catch fishermen very well.

Ha..I think I still have a few in a tackle box somewhere with nail polish or sharpie or no telling what painted on them.
After 40+ years of chasing after fish I'll never figure out what a bass is thinking when it bites a bubblegum Senko smile
Posted By: CCTX

Re: Thoughts - 03/09/20 08:36 PM

All look great to me.

The baby bass jerkbait is my favorite.....and the squarebill—Im a little color blind, but it looks like the penny/green copper color I like to throw.
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 03/09/20 11:38 PM

Cool...Those are the two I've thought about the most. The squarebill is what I thought a Tennessee Shad should look like.

Thanks CCTX.
Posted By: FishOrGolf

Re: Thoughts - 03/27/20 04:39 PM

You don't need advise or tips. Those look pretty dang good to me.
For a suspending jerkbait I would assume the baits need to be pretty clean but for a moving bait, cant believe they need to be any better than you have them.
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 03/28/20 11:47 AM

I appreciate it Ryan. I guess I'm kind of a crankbait junkie even though i don't fish them as much as I used to. I have at least 200 in my tackle boxes. Most of the paint jobs I'm trying to do are patterns and baits that I've never been able to find or haven't seen in a long time. The water I fish most of the year is pretty clear so I want them to look somewhat natural. It just takes me forever to get one painted.

I have managed to shave some time off of my paint jobs and get them done with considerably less paint by paying less attention to little details and airbrush cleaning. It helps not having to start over after turning the paint job to mud because of trying to mix the wrong colors together on the bait. Still having a little trouble spraying on too much paint with the darker colors. Especially black. If I could just keep the OCD in check.

Here are a couple that came out OK.

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Posted By: SenkoSam

Re: Thoughts - 03/28/20 01:30 PM

Superb quality !! clap clap clap clap
Posted By: MAC67STANG

Re: Thoughts - 05/23/20 03:25 PM

They all look great.
Posted By: psalty

Re: Thoughts - 05/23/20 04:51 PM

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Really liking this one Congrats.
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 05/25/20 01:10 PM

Thanks for the input guys.

That baby bass Bango-O Lure actually caught a fat 19 inch buck bass on the 1st cast into the water.

The KBS Diamond clear that I'm putting on them aint bullet proof. It looks like three coats(dipped) is best for me and maybe 3-4 months for a complete cure.
After about 8 weeks to cure this one landed over 20 mean little Stripers and and didn't come out too bad. Just some hook rash and a couple of minor scratches.

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Posted By: STUMPY58

Re: Thoughts - 02/16/21 03:48 PM

nice work i too have gotten the itch to paint. just ordered my first batch of blanks what brush do you use and are you spraying water based colors?
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 02/21/21 01:14 PM

I'm using Paasche brushes. I have the Talon in both siphon and gravity feed, a Raptor and a Vision. I haven't tried the vision yet but I like the others fine when the paint is spraying well. When it's not I hate them all. I prefer the siphon feed over the ones with the large gravity fed cup, but that's just me.
I use all water base paints for lures. Clean up is a little easier and cheaper. I like the Wicked and Comart paints best. Createx Colors has some necessary pigments but can sure be a PITA.
I'm getting the itch to paint a few myself if I can get it done between now and summer.

Best of luck.
Posted By: C Worthy

Re: Thoughts - 02/22/21 05:45 PM

Those are excellent...... I might be copying some of your ideas though. smile
Posted By: Fisherdad58

Re: Thoughts - 02/23/21 01:37 PM

Go for it...if you need any help with color schemes PM me and I'll try to help.
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