Texas Fishing Forum

Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line"

Posted By: T Bird

Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/21/23 05:35 PM

You on vay-cay Bob?

Miss your solid reports on here.

Posted By: Holding The Line

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/21/23 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by T Bird
You on vay-cay Bob?

Miss your solid reports on here.


Sir, thanks for the inquiry as to my whereabouts. In late Dec. I had a mishap while launching my boat with a guided party aboard which resulted in damage to my L. rotator cuff. I had surgery to repair that on 13 Jan. and am now recovering (well).

Most of you know I'm a Christ-follower and as such I look for the Lord's design in things which come my way, both those I perceive as "good" and as "bad". As I look at this "bad" event, I realize that it happened in what, for 17 years in the guide business, has always been the slowest part of my season (mid-Jan. to late-Feb.) -- that's good!

I was given an opportunity to write an article for In-Fisherman magazine about white bass fishing which is to appear in print this summer. This injury provided me with the downtime to do as good a job at writing that article as I could -- that's good!

I've been wanting for months now to do some short, instructional videos on how to best use the Bladed Hazy Eye Slabs I make. Well, with my wife's assistance, we collected the needed footage before surgery, and the post-op recovery time has given us the uninterrupted time we need to get the editing done so I can post these to YouTube this week. That's good.

At age 53, I don't feel quite that old yet, and, Lord willing, I'll be around a while longer. I know that this shoulder was already damaged -- the December event was just the straw that broke the camel's back. So, now that shoulder will recover and will serve me better for the next x-number of years than the unrepaired version would have. That's good.

I think, based on how things are going, that I'll be able to offer on-the-water sonar training sessions again by early Feb., and hope be be back launching my own boat with clients aboard for guided fishing by mid- to late-Feb. That's good.

In the meantime, I can assure you your turn-around time on MAL Lure or Bladed Hazy Eye Slab orders will never be faster than they will be right now - LOL!

There's been a pleasantly surprising number of folks, whose only connection with me is through fishing, who have reached out to wish me well after hearing of my injury through the grapevine, many of which have come to know me though the TFF. I've have made it a point to respond to each person who took time out of their lives to do that, and thank them here for doing so, as well.

So, Mr. T Bird, that's what's going on. Thanks again for asking!


Posted By: T Bird

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/21/23 08:17 PM

Sorry to hear you were injured Bob. We have good Doc's in our part of TX. Take it easy with that arm and heal up quick. Need you back on the water smok'in those White Bass. thumb
Posted By: fishrdude

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/21/23 11:11 PM

Wow! Class act Bob. Talk about a perfect example of the glass half full.
I wanna be you when I grow up! Glad you are on the road to recovery.
Posted By: Retired Farmun

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 03:53 AM

Sorry about your mishap but isn't it funny how the Lord works. Great attitude about it all. Praying for you to have a speedy recovery.
Posted By: Gone Fishin'

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 12:23 PM


Sorry about the Shoulder, but the fish will still be there when you're through with rehab! (Just bigger) smile

Take care and I'll say a Prayer for you!

Posted By: rebait

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 01:43 PM

God's Speed on your recovery.
Posted By: Book

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 02:39 PM

Glad you are on the mend. I bet the fish are enjoying this break as well without sore lips!
Posted By: SeaPro-Todd

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 04:34 PM

Great clarity and wisdom there! Way to turn that into personal growth and we can all learn from that. Have a speedy recovery, Bob, and thank you for all you do at your community in taking kids and soldiers and even old anglers fishing in your neck of the woods. Blessings fish
Posted By: gborg

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 04:54 PM

Good testimony with regard to divine intervention ! The PT is critical with roller cuff surgery. Being the stolid outdoorsman and not performing the smallest of PT tasks causes scar tissue damage and the need for additional surgery years later.

Keep up the good work . Giving praise where deserved reminds us of the " foot prints in the sand " parable !
Posted By: F4 Gator

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/22/23 10:06 PM

Bob -- as the recipient of both shoulder rotator cuff rebuilds, let me say -- complete your therapy before making any solid plans. Do your exercises as directed, don't over do and give your body heal.

I had one shoulder repair job heal quickly ~ 3 months and I was good to go. The other shoulder took 6+ months before I could perform to the the doctor's satisfaction. I was your age when I had both shoulders done. bang

With that said, I pray that you have a quick and speedy recovery and you regain full use of your shoulder. The fish will be waiting for you when you're ready to hit the water again.
Posted By: FishingFever2424

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/23/23 01:16 AM

Glad you are recovering and on the mend. Always enjoy your reports and I'm sure you will be back at it better than ever soon!!!
Posted By: banker-always fishing

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/23/23 03:57 AM

Praying that your recovery goes well. Yes Sir, the Lord Jesus Christ has control! angel2
Posted By: romeroxl1200

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/23/23 01:53 PM

Speedy Recovery and thank you for the SUPER FAST processing and shipping on my lures!...

Thank you !
Posted By: CarlT

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/23/23 11:17 PM

Prayers sir!
Posted By: Z71

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/24/23 12:09 AM

Miss your reports. Get well soon!
Posted By: Slick Rick ‘06

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/25/23 04:09 AM

Enjoy the time off. God hits the pause button for a time and you’re an inspiration with your perspective and positivity. I sure do enjoy your stories and posts! Heal up and we will look forward to those reports after the shoulder is back from the shop.
Posted By: prosise

Re: Where's Bob aka "Holding The Line" - 01/25/23 01:04 PM

Yep, had both shoulders done in the last 8 years. It's no picnic, and brutally slow recovery. Hang in there, you will be back on the water before you know it.
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