Texas Fishing Forum

Your footprint

Posted By: Pope1

Your footprint - 07/30/10 05:14 AM

I consider myself to be green and live life in as a minimalist; however, after taking this quiz I realized there is room for improvement. I am sure traveling to towing a boat hurt my score.
According to this quiz, it would take 3.6 planet earths to support our current global population if every shared my lifestyle. I am curious if anyone will score lower and if so, I would like you to share some of you ideas. It only takes five minutes to take the quiz.


Posted By: windfish1

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 05:29 AM

Mother earth is a pretty tough cookie. I bet she can handle us just the way we are. Just pick up after yourself and leave it cleaner than when you found it,
Posted By: Nocona Brian

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 05:43 AM

ha 5.5 i guess we need some insulation in this house.
Posted By: bassfreak

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 11:09 AM

8.2 eeks
Posted By: John175☮

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 11:28 AM

For those who want to live in fear...live greener because you need someone to offset my rejection of the premise that my "footprint" is killing the planet. I live green enough but have realized green enough will never please the fruit loops.

***there is a point that an protester group pushes their agenda too far. Maybe greenies should specifically target the overweight who eat far more resources than they should. Target Al Gore, John Kerry and all the greenie supporter leaders that live opulent lifestyles while demanding we cut back. Good luck with that fight.

I consider myself greener than green. I am biodegradable.
Posted By: RayBob

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 11:38 AM

Leftist propaganda geared toward some poor major city dwelling hood rat. This is what the Left wants us all to become BTW !

I scored 5.3. This is test is not for a Texas lifestyle.

The test says I require 23.3 acres to support my lifestyle ... does this mean the Progressives might come someday and take some of my land from me? Eminent domain?
Posted By: Jase

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 12:31 PM

6.3 eeks
Posted By: fishingjim

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 12:49 PM

Posted By: SKIBO

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:10 PM

4.4 only because of the wife
Posted By: LoneStarSon

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:20 PM

4.2 Which is a little odd...Seriously, I have more landscaping producing more oxygen than the average home owner...I think it's a bit sophomoric, like most things on the internet and really not a good example of how green a person is...

It also asked about buying groceries locally, but didn't ask if you grew your own vegetables...
Posted By: tomnt

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:20 PM

I wear a size 14D
Posted By: Tritonman

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:26 PM

Originally Posted By: John175
Target Al Gore, John Kerry and all the greenie supporter leaders that live opulent lifestyles while demanding we cut back.

I think Al Gore is being accused of trying to heat up the planet on a couple of occasions with his massage therapist. Just how is that sexual assault lawsuit going? lizard
Posted By: BIGFISH0131

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:34 PM

Posted By: mysavioreigns

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:35 PM

I agree with Wes - it's extremely basic. It doesn't ask if you grow your own food. It doesn't ask if you produce your own electricity. It doesn't take into account hundreds of things. If you're "green" you know you are.

I'm green because I like saving a ton of money - you might call me cheap. That's about it. (4.8 for me)
Posted By: dallasdawg

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:36 PM

Posted By: Derek 🐝

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:37 PM

Posted By: SkeeterRonnie

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:45 PM

i leave too much methane gas behind, to be green......
Posted By: Tritonman

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:46 PM

Originally Posted By: SkeeterRonnie
i leave too much methane gas behind, to be green......
I've heard your methane gas makes other people green though bolt
Posted By: RayBob

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Tritonman
Originally Posted By: John175
Target Al Gore, John Kerry and all the greenie supporter leaders that live opulent lifestyles while demanding we cut back.

I think Al Gore is being accused of trying to heat up the planet on a couple of occasions with his massage therapist. Just how is that sexual assault lawsuit going? lizard

It is already swept under the rug. Algore's peeps got to the authorities there and they are now paid off and it's back to status quo! The Progressive Mafioso is alive and well.
Posted By: Mark Ray

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 01:49 PM

Stupid test didn't even give me credit for pickin' an avatar that saves water by not shavin'
Posted By: hopalong

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 02:02 PM

my footprint is a size 11
Posted By: CaddoAggie96

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 02:18 PM

6.2 earths and 27.5 acres needed for me. shocked

I feel so guilty....so ungreen.... crying
Posted By: Mudshark

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 02:49 PM

I am eating as many cows and pigs as I can...that must mean I am green right? You can thank me later.
Posted By: a777pilot

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 02:55 PM

I guess I am doing better than most. 10.9 earths to support me and my life style.
Posted By: bogey♂

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 03:25 PM

4.7 and 20.9acres WTH
Posted By: RipDaLips

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 03:28 PM

5.2. But the tag in my shoe says 9.5... hmmm
Posted By: DanDaBald

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 03:33 PM

8.6 & 38.3 acres.......

I'm a conspicuous consumpter.......

Good Grief.....

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 03:39 PM

Who cares!! The wolrd is going to end in 2yrs and 5 months anyways!
Posted By: tech

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 04:10 PM

7.7 when I live in the USA, but if I choose South America it goes down to 1.3!!! SO Its not what we use it is that we are Americans, and we are BAD!!
Posted By: Brad

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 04:20 PM

Originally Posted By: LoneStarSon
4.2 Which is a little odd...Seriously, I have more landscaping producing more oxygen than the average home owner...I think it's a bit sophomoric, like most things on the internet and really not a good example of how green a person is...

It also asked about buying groceries locally, but didn't ask if you grew your own vegetables...

I'm disappointed that your score wasn't negative.
Posted By: Frank I

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 04:27 PM

Originally Posted By: windfish1
Just pick up after yourself and leave it cleaner than when you found it,

That's more than 1/2 the problem, we live amongst pigs... hammer
Posted By: a777pilot

Re: Your footprint - 07/30/10 04:34 PM

I think back to my dear depated father who gave me the very best advice as we were going out hunting or fishing together: Take only pictures and leave only footprints. Words to live by.
Posted By: Pope1

Re: Your footprint - 07/31/10 05:11 AM

I agree earth is a pretty tough cookie, and it is an interesting point about her being able to take it the way we are. I want to address this at the end of my post.

I dont believe my lifestyle is one I live out of fear, nor do I do it to please fruit loops. I have never done anything to impress anyone except myself. Well, maybe as a kid I tried to please a few ladies or impress a few others. I digress

It is not an assumption, but a fact there are finite amounts of resources we use to support our lifestyle. We simply cant treat natural materials as resources for consumption and expect them to be there for our grandchildren or subsequent generations. Some things will run out. It isnt like we can make iron, water, oil or any other number of things. Alchemy never panned out.

I grew up in East Texas and remember the forests as I knew it as a kid. Big, deep beautiful bottomlands with enormous white oaks The biodiversity was impressive. I could walk through the forest squirrel hunting my way through and recognize areas for their location due to the biodiversity. One location was different from the next and each had characteristics which distinguished them. This same forest I hunted as a kid has been reduced to a monoculture of long-leaf pine planted in rows. No diversity in species and one location no different from the next. You would be hard pressed to find any other species of tree, therefore, reduced diversity of fauna as well as lower abundance of what is still present.

This is a local example from an already fragmented forest which was at one point vaster as explained by my ancestors. My great-grandfather would explain to me that the woods we hunted together were once enormous. These woods were much bigger boy, he would explain. You could walk for days and not come out. We had bears, wolves and jaguars in those days. He would shuffle through photos to show me bears that had come in their fields and even had a photo of a jaguar shot by one of his neighbors. He never produced photos of wolves, but I believed him.

I have seen the same thing in Central America. Huge expanses of forest cleared from mountain sides to get mahogany for furniture, graze cattle or plant orange groves. Incidentally, this wood, beef and produce isnt for the Central Americans, it is for us and other developed countries. I have talked to Panamanians who tell stories of how their area used to be one dense continuous jungle. One old man said the eucalyptus plantation on the edge of his village was where he played and gathered food as a child. My children play in dirty street in Panama City now, he murmured with a long face. His remark and wrinkled tan neck reminded me of my great-grandfather.

RayBob said this test is not for a Texas lifestyle. Does this mean we have an exclusive ideal to ruin a marvelous state? I guess this depends on ones point of reference and depth of consideration, but I believe we dont live in a state of exclusivity. By living up to this ideal, we will have less for my children.

I also agree the test is a bit sophomoric. It doesnt take into account someone growing their own vegetables or generating their own electricity as some have mentioned. I assume the test uses parameters people who have the general habits possess on average. For instance, people like me who buy at least half of their produce from local farms also have their own gardens. I produce probably 5% of my own food and generally only eat meat from hunting or fish I have personally caught. Of course, I use fuel to get the places I hunt and fish. It balances out and by using these parameter of habits based on responses you get an average.

The same holds true for comparing the U.S. to South America. The availability and opportunity to buy/use resources in South America is less than America. The buying/use habits on average are different and taken into account. You can gather data to support this using imports/GDP or other economic data. In short, there are some inferences being made.

The population has grown from 2 billion in 1930 to 7 billion at present. As China, India, Brazil and other countries continue to develop with huge populations they will begin to use analogous amount of resources as they aspire to be like Americans. Who can blame them? They tolerate insane pollution because it is better than poverty. They are short-sighted because it is hand to mouth. Many of us are short sighted because we dont see it, want to consider it or are complacent because life feels good. Again, it is hard to blame people for it. I make a conscience decision each time I travel nationally or internationally. Each time I load the boat or pack the jeep to head for the mountains, I know I am using more than my child will have the opportunity to use. I try to offset this in many ways. I use less, eat well (health of myself and world), buy 100% wind generated electricity, made improvements to my home as well as rental property (keeps my tenants thrilled) so energy use is minimized and live minimally otherwise. I can afford to spend more, but I choose not too. It has benefitted me in many ways. Economically, I have zero debt except for my mortgage. A nice bonus in a sea of economic woe.

Finally, to explain the pretty tough cookie phrase from the top of my post, there are several models that show the world could actually handle our present consumption of resources if we did a few minor things. If we halted the cutting of rainforest, allowed what has been cleared (and not built upon) to be reclaimed by the rainforest, used more efficient farming practices, recycled, stabilized pop growth, we could maintain our present lifestyles.

I was curious what measures others have made and still am. It could be interesting to see some of the innovation some possess. Thanks for all the response.

Posted By: No Bass!!!!

Re: Your footprint - 07/31/10 05:25 AM

Originally Posted By: John175
For those who want to live in fear...live greener because you need someone to offset my rejection of the premise that my "footprint" is killing the planet. I live green enough but have realized green enough will never please the fruit loops.

***there is a point that an protester group pushes their agenda too far. Maybe greenies should specifically target the overweight who eat far more resources than they should. Target Al Gore, John Kerry and all the greenie supporter leaders that live opulent lifestyles while demanding we cut back. Good luck with that fight.

I consider myself greener than green. I am biodegradable.

You said it all.
Posted By: 21sammy

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 05:29 PM

wow the OT has came so far
Posted By: RATZ

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 05:43 PM

2.7, but I don't drive much

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by windfish1
Mother earth is a pretty tough cookie. I bet she can handle us just the way we are. Just pick up after yourself and leave it cleaner than when you found it,

yep, look what she did with all those dead dinosaurs
Posted By: RickS.

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 06:03 PM

When I had my Mustang. I would downshift next to a Prius just so they could hear me killing the environment.
Posted By: J.P. Greeson

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 06:17 PM

Being good stewards of the environment used to be a good thing no matter your political affiliation. Ducks Unlimited is one of the huge success stories from the conservative side of the tracks. Big oil has a lot of pull with politicians and they have made this in to a political issue. If you think being concerned about the environment is a liberal thing, then I think you need to stop letting politicians lead you around like sheep.

We will eventually get away from fossil fuels. It's coming and you can't stop it. Yes, it will affect a lot of jobs, but in the long run we will live in a better place.
Posted By: machinist

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 09:05 PM

Pope 1, unless you live where you can see the windmills or at least fairly close you are probably not getting electricity generated by said machines. Electricity cannot just be put out on a transmission line and shipped anywhere in the state. About 50 or so miles, then you have to have a sub station to boost the power along. So what happens is if you buy from Company "A" and their windmills are 300 miles away, they will buy power from Company "B" for you to use. Its standard practice in the power industry and the companies will settle up what each owes the other at the end of the month for example. What I am saying is if you are paying a premium price you should maybe find out where your power really comes from.
Posted By: elcoyote, esq.

Re: Your footprint - 01/08/19 09:14 PM

I got 7.8, but its not accurate. It only lets you go up to 500 miles per week. I do that by Tuesday each week.
Posted By: DCmac

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 06:28 PM

I care so much I wouldn't even consider taking such a "test". Democom BS. Mother Earth can take everything we can throw at her and still laugh in our faces.
Posted By: Mark Perry

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by J.P. Greeson
Being good stewards of the environment used to be a good thing no matter your political affiliation. Ducks Unlimited is one of the huge success stories from the conservative side of the tracks. Big oil has a lot of pull with politicians and they have made this in to a political issue. If you think being concerned about the environment is a liberal thing, then I think you need to stop letting politicians lead you around like sheep.

We will eventually get away from fossil fuels. It's coming and you can't stop it. Yes, it will affect a lot of jobs, but in the long run we will live in a better place.

Posted By: T Bird

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 06:41 PM

3.1 Your Ecological Footprint
(global hectares or gha)

4.9 Your Carbon Footprint
(CO2 emissions in tonnes per year)

55 Your Carbon Footprint
(% of your total Ecological Footprint)

Not that I understand any of it.
Posted By: Duck_Hunter

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by LoneStarSon
4.2 Which is a little odd...Seriously, I have more landscaping producing more oxygen than the average home owner...I think it's a bit sophomoric, like most things on the internet and really not a good example of how green a person is...

It also asked about buying groceries locally, but didn't ask if you grew your own vegetables...

I agree. We have chickens and eat their eggs, but there wasnt really a good way to account for that in the survey. I also work from home, which has to help my score, but no way to account for that in the survey. It also seemed like they were probably putting a lot of weight behind public transportation. I hardly drive (except during hunting season, but thats still only once a week); we live in an area without public transportation but five minutes away to three grocery stores and the rest of the places we shop at. Thats got to be a huge factor in my favor and should negate a lot of the negative from not using public transportation. I also dont buy many clothes. I definitely dont buy clothes every month.

I got 3.3. Not a great survey.
Posted By: 1ShotNoKills

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 07:10 PM

41.5 acres...

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Posted By: 1ShotNoKills

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 07:10 PM

41.5 acres...

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Posted By: T Bird

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 07:24 PM

1Shot is destroying the earth single-handily! flehan
Posted By: Icepick

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 07:27 PM

Should we as a society try to be proactive in areas where provable difference can be quantified?
Some of the advancement is commendable, for instance, solar/wind power.
However, other "advancements" aren't really beneficial in any meaningful or measurable way.
Electric cars? Lithium batteries?
Where does electricity come from?
Where does lithium come from?
Unless you use 100% solar/wind power....
Posted By: Mudshark

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 08:16 PM

Im recycling snuff at the moment because I didnt plan well yesterday.
Posted By: BrandoA

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 09:08 PM

If I am 5.5 Al Gore has to be close to a million
Posted By: Dan90210 ☮

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 09:17 PM

5.2 Earths.

But what gives? I pick up trash when possible. I recycle. All LED lights and am conscious of how I use power and gasoline.

My shoe size is 15 though.
Posted By: John175☮

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 09:27 PM

We're doomed!
Posted By: DanDaBald

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 10:04 PM

6.6 for me, my vehicle averages 26 mpg but in my job I fly about 20 times a year and drive 26' box trucks about 30,000 miles a year.

This planet will outlive me by many, many years.
Posted By: machinist

Re: Your footprint - 01/09/19 10:11 PM

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the wind power could be temporary. The Federal Gov. was/is subsidizing the building of the windmills.
Also the power companies that own the windmills are giving power away at night to keep from shutting the windmills down. As I understand it, stopping and starting are very hard on the windmills. This is where a lot of the failures occur. Most if not all of the companies with windmills are not repairing them if they have a major failure ie Generator failure, gearbox failure, blade failures and most any kind of fire.
Posted By: John Peebles

Re: Your footprint - 01/10/19 12:50 AM

I recycle, walk to the community mailbox at the end of the block, planted two trees in our yard and don't spew a lot of carbon dioxide about the cowboys.
I'm doing my part.
Posted By: J.P. Greeson

Re: Your footprint - 01/10/19 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by Icepick

Should we as a society try to be proactive in areas where provable difference can be quantified?
Some of the advancement is commendable, for instance, solar/wind power.
However, other "advancements" aren't really beneficial in any meaningful or measurable way.
Electric cars? Lithium batteries?
Where does electricity come from?
Where does lithium come from?
Unless you use 100% solar/wind power....

We are in the process of change. I assume you understand that fossil fuels won't power our society indefinitely.
Posted By: J.P. Greeson

Re: Your footprint - 01/10/19 01:04 AM

I think we will eventually move to a system where each house/building generates its own power through solar, wind or other means.
Posted By: Sawhorse

Re: Your footprint - 01/10/19 01:13 AM

Hey, just an observation...this thread appears to have been recycled.
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