Texas Fishing Forum

Fishin Buddy modification

Posted By: texguppy

Fishin Buddy modification - 05/01/11 04:56 PM

Has anyone converted their fishin buddy for kayak fishing? Either cutting the transducer rod and leaving just the cable/base, using a separate power/transducer cable without the cradle, etc.

I sold my tube and have no use for it and noone is showing interest in it so I was thinking of chopping it to make it more kayak friendly.

Since this is a FB 120 model, what would be a similar Piranhamax model? I was thinking the 160 but not sure.
Posted By: Pondbass

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 05/01/11 05:29 PM

I have one for my little emotion and I just clamp it to the milk crate. I don't really want to risk breaking it just to make it more yak friendly. Works on the crate, the only complaint is I have to turn around to see it.
Posted By: texguppy

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 05/01/11 06:28 PM

Yeah I thought about that too but just like you said, you have to turn around to see it.

Posted By: Carver

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 05/02/11 03:01 PM

I talked to Humminbird (actually about 8yrs ago)about making a model with a 7/8" dia and shorter or adjustable down-tube so it would go through the scupper in most yaks. I think there would be a real market for it.

they didn't think this "kayak fishing thing" would really catch on.
Posted By: texguppy

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 05/02/11 04:07 PM

I know. My main problem would be the transducer. The casing is too big. I though about cutting one inch below the main base and get rid of the tube. Just leave the cable exposed. that will give me 24in of play that i can attach to the side of the yack.
Posted By: Mark Ray

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 05/02/11 06:37 PM

Personally I'd just rig something to the front of my yak to mount it to. A little PVC frame or something...
Posted By: texguppy

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 05/02/11 08:40 PM

Maybe a scotty triple mount with a pvc extension to the side and use the ff cup holder bracket. When i paddle i can just raise the ff and not create any drag.
Back to the drawing board.
Posted By: mdevine

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 06/01/12 01:15 AM

Saw one of these "Fishin Buddies" at Gander Mountain today and thought it was pretty cool. Anyone had any luck neatly mounting one on a kayak?

Or is it better just to get a traditional one?

Posted By: mkdm

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 06/01/12 04:22 AM

Texguppy, I have one too that I got back in 2000. I was using it the past two years for mainly temp, depth and especially the side sonar. All I would do is have it laying down in my yak, and when I needed to know one of those three things, I would turn it on , stick it in the wAter and after my reading , turn it off and lay it back down again.
I now have a Hummunbird 561 and I like it better.

Posted By: mkdm

Re: Fishin Buddy modification - 06/01/12 04:23 AM

Mdevine, just get a traditional one. Mine works great. I rarely use my FB.

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