Texas Fishing Forum

Ready for this season

Posted By: christian myrick

Ready for this season - 05/09/24 02:15 PM

We got my wife a hobie revolution 16. When she wants to paddle she uses a wilderness tarpon 160, that also doubles as my boat for gravel shore line or rough landing long paddle days. Last night I just picked up a wilderness atak 140. This is my catfishing boat. So much easier to throw castnet from. It's gonna be a great year of fishing!!!
Posted By: GTrigg

Re: Ready for this season - 05/09/24 03:12 PM

Sounds like you're all "yaked" up, so wish you and your wife the best of luck this season.... thumb
Posted By: christian myrick

Re: Ready for this season - 05/09/24 04:09 PM

Kinda. The new addition makes 8 kayaks.
Posted By: banker-always fishing

Re: Ready for this season - 05/09/24 04:22 PM

Enjoy the year. Stay safe out there! thumb
Posted By: lconn4

Re: Ready for this season - 05/10/24 01:22 PM

Always liked that kayak... WS makes some of the best! Did you get the 12 or 14? cheers

Posted By: christian myrick

Re: Ready for this season - 05/10/24 02:22 PM

The 14. I've never been a big fan of the short kayak fad. Originally I really wanted a nucanoe pursuit but this came up for sale at a price I liked and this will do nicely. All flat cockpit and my first ever lawn chair type seat!
Posted By: lconn4

Re: Ready for this season - 05/11/24 07:54 AM

Originally Posted by christian myrick
The 14. I've never been a big fan of the short kayak fad. Originally I really wanted a nucanoe pursuit but this came up for sale at a price I liked and this will do nicely. All flat cockpit and my first ever lawn chair type seat!

glad to see you still have some pride... the 14 is the only way I would go too! especially in a lawn chair roflmao
Posted By: TXanalogkd

Re: Ready for this season - 05/11/24 01:45 PM

I've always liked the WS ATAK kayaks but settled for a used Jackson Cuda a few yrs ago. I could not pass on a good deal. Have you fished out of yet...how do you like it?
Posted By: christian myrick

Re: Ready for this season - 05/12/24 07:59 PM

So, we went fishing sat morning at ray roberts. First trip out in the atak 140. I was easily able to stand, throw my super heavy castnet and paddle around never feeling like I would fall out. I love the flat cockpit floor. One thing I will say about it was, it sure doesn't paddle as well as any of my other kayaks. I didn't really expect it to paddle as fast but it was really a big difference. That said all of my other boats are skinny long fast paddle kayaks. Over all for lake trips and some camping trips, it will do very well. I am just going to have to get used to the fact I'm not crusing at 4.5-5mph. It's hard to not love the fast kayaks once you have grown accustomed to them. The lawn chair seat is nice. I haven't had one before. The space inside,,,,it was so much I was loosing all my stuff. I'm going to have some figuring out to do for places to put things etc. Over all I really like the boat although if I had to only have 1 kayak this wouldn't be the one I'd pick. It will be specific to 1 type of fishing for me.
Posted By: butch sanders

Re: Ready for this season - 05/12/24 10:45 PM

i never realized 5 MPH ( however many knots that is)
was the speed we paddle

how fast will the stable platform go?

Posted By: christian myrick

Re: Ready for this season - 05/13/24 01:04 AM

I cant definitely say. I bet at most was 3 mph. I will just have to get used to the fact every kayak doesnt.paddle like my reload, tarpon or fisha 500.
Posted By: Mike@972

Re: Ready for this season - 05/13/24 05:29 PM

Just catching up here Christian... Nice updates!

I remember not too terribly long ago when you were kicking around the idea of selling a kayak or two. Glad you didn't and I find some humor in the fact that you are now sitting in a lawn chair and not "hating" it.... I also find some humor in the fact that lconn is flirting with trolling motors... LOL

One of these days you might even get a pedal kayak... if you do, I will do my best not to say "I told you so"... LOL

Seriously, I 100% realize that pedals come with the risk of malfunctioning. However, I don't take it offshore and I think the rewards outweigh the risk for my intended use. I can get my HEAVY beast of a PA14 up to 4+mph fairly easily and can hit 5mph on flat water I feel like a little cardio. Oddly enough, my son's12' Outback does about the same. It's amazing to me that the extra 24" on the heavier/wider PA14 stays on pace with the shorter/skinnier/lighter 12' outback.

I don't understand the physics that make this possible... but I also don't understand how what I am typing will travel through the cyber world and hit this thread...
Posted By: Jerry713

Re: Ready for this season - 05/13/24 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by christian myrick
We got my wife a hobie revolution 16. When she wants to paddle she uses a wilderness tarpon 160, that also doubles as my boat for gravel shore line or rough landing long paddle days. Last night I just picked up a wilderness atak 140. This is my catfishing boat. So much easier to throw castnet from. It's gonna be a great year of fishing!!!

I bet she’ll love that Revo 16. I had a Revo 13 and really enjoyed it. The only knock for me is how bad it tracked. You have to keep the rudder in the water and then it tracks fine. But that’s a problem when it’s too shallow for the rudder.

Did she get a 2015 or later that has the framed seat or the original style seat?
Posted By: christian myrick

Re: Ready for this season - 05/13/24 11:18 PM

The old original soft seat. She is new to this kayak world. I didn't want to raise her center of gravity too much. I also wanted her to be able to paddle well if the drive has an issue.
If I ever get a pedal yak it will be a tandem island or the p.a. 17. The rest I paddle for ever.
Posted By: Jerry713

Re: Ready for this season - 05/14/24 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by christian myrick
The old original soft seat. She is new to this kayak world. I didn't want to raise her center of gravity too much. I also wanted her to be able to paddle well if the drive has an issue.
If I ever get a pedal yak it will be a tandem island or the p.a. 17. The rest I paddle for ever.

I’m sure you know this but those seat wells can get pretty wet on those Revo’s. If that ever becomes an issue they have one way scupper plugs that work really well. I had them on both of my Viking kayaks for when the water got cold and they worked great.
Posted By: christian myrick

Re: Ready for this season - 05/14/24 01:33 AM

There are some drain screw caps there. Lol. It seems and odd thing to just not make those scuppers...but ok. It is a cool boat. She is gonna love it
Posted By: Shaun Russell

Re: Ready for this season - 05/24/24 08:28 PM

Christian, it’s been a while since you posted this. Where is all the Catfish pictures? How you been doing my friend?
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