Texas Fishing Forum

Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat

Posted By: 21sammy

Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 04:27 PM

What are some of the do's and dont's? Thinking about getting myself a dog soon and want to take it on the boat with me. Any tips are appreciated, thanks!
Posted By: K.D.

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 04:33 PM

If it's a retriever with a high retrieve drive you can leash the dog and step on the leash with no slack to keep him from chasing every cast.otherwise you both will get good at dragging him back on the boat
Posted By: McLovin’

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 04:35 PM

bring them a bowl for some cool ice water on warmer days...DONT leave rods with treble hooks on your deck...I love taking my lab.
Posted By: Fishinfellow

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 04:41 PM

If you have a habit of leaving used baits out on the deck or in a little bin like most boats have, I'd put all of them away. Don't want to risk your dog ramming a couple trebles into their snout/paw.
Posted By: Chris B

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 04:45 PM

I just fish with a lot less rods on the deck. I started my lab fishing when she was about 10 weeks old.
Posted By: tx_basser

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 04:53 PM

I've taken all of my labs fishing over the last 20 years.. and they are great fun to have in the boat. The last one, it is taking some time to get him learn to lay down and stop thinking anytime your near the bank to want to jump out. I still have to tie him to a cleat to keep it from happening.
Posted By: GTinTX

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 05:00 PM

Watch the heat, my Boxer loves to be on the boat, but if its sunny or over 80 she gets hot fast. She also loves to follow my cast and race from the front of the boat to the back, over and over again lol. Bring something for shade and cool water, start with short trips and see how the pup adjusts. Be prepared to haul them in once or twice until they understand the water is deep and they can't just step off the boat.
Posted By: Monty Wright

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Chris B
I just fish with a lot less rods on the deck. I started my lab fishing when she was about 10 weeks old.

I started ours out as pup as well. We adopted a 7 year old Golden Retriever and I feel like he's just too old to learn a new trick like being on the boat.
Posted By: 21sammy

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 05:42 PM

Thanks guys I appreciate it!
Posted By: Hammbone

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 05:48 PM

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Posted By: PowerLizard

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 07:20 PM

My Brittany Spaniel thought the Skeeter deck was a diving platform and would jump off and then swim back to be brought in only to do it all over again. I eventually learned to let her swim for several minutes before letting her back in. Once tired, she would not jump off the boat. You need to do this well away from the boat ramp and anyone fishing.
I would not bring a puppy on the boat unless your have a second person to help you. One drives the boat and the other corrals the puppy.
Posted By: fivebites

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 10:08 PM

I don't know how you guys do it. I see these guys with dogs yapping and biting at the fish when you're trying to boat/net a fish. I'd be more afraid at my age I'd trip over it and bust my arse or go in the lake. I love dogs, but just never wanted one in the boat with me.
Posted By: JoeDouble

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 10:48 PM

Labs chasing a top water ! Cow dogs trying to heard the fish! Wiener dog trying to Badger roll the fish ! Yorkies giving the fish a what for ! Man it’s all fun ! One rod at a time!
Posted By: JoeDouble

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 10:52 PM

Still laughing at all the good times! Wish I could reach them to run the net!
Posted By: jrb50

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 10:53 PM

I highly recommend buying lure wraps - if you have ever seen a dog hooked on a jerkbait it is just horrible,
Posted By: JBranham

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/21/21 10:58 PM

If it’s going to be nasty or hot weather then I don’t bother bringing my dog but he’s great to bring on the boat. Better than my kids for sure.

Funny story, I was working down a bank throwing a jerk bait and one of those egrets (big whit birds) took off from the bank and met my jerk bait mid cast and got hooked in the leg. Well as you can imagine this thing was going crazy as it’s flipping around in the water. I’m trolling over to it thinking how the heck I’m going to get this thing unhooked while holding back my 80lb lab/Shepard mix. By the time I unhooked it by grabbing its leg and holding over the side of the boat, holding my dog back as he’s coming unglued, not getting myself hooked, and freeing it we were all gassed!

All three of us just kind of sat there staring at each other wondering what the hell just happened... lol

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Posted By: captain-kilroy

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 12:32 AM

I think it depends on the dog. I have a bull terrrier that will not let the boat leave without him. [Linked Image] But he hates the water but loves the boat.
Posted By: Happykamper

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 12:44 AM

I have enough trouble trying to keep the hooks out of me or the boat, cannot imagine what would happen if i had a dog in the boat with me, it would be a nightmare if my dog got a treble hook buried in its paw or mouth.
Posted By: DNewt

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 12:58 AM

Hooks are the biggest but I can't use top water if my lab is with me cause she wants it
Posted By: Huckleberry

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:18 AM

Had my dog with me one time and I had the boat in the back of a log jammed cove. Well he saw something and decided to leap onto the logs (pretty sure he thought it was dry land) ... the water was deep and those logs may as well have been a sheet of ice, he couldn’t swim and kept going under and the logs would come back together and trap him from coming back up. I had to jump in myself while holding the shaft of the trolling motor with one hand and fishing him out with the other. I inched along the side of the boat to the back and was able to push him back in the boat. There was a moment when I let go of the trolling motor where I thought we were both doomed.

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:25 AM

Start them young
Posted By: JBranham

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by Huckleberry
Had my dog with me one time and I had the boat in the back of a log jammed cove. Well he saw something and decided to leap onto the logs (pretty sure he thought it was dry land) ... the water was deep and those logs may as well have been a sheet of ice, he couldn’t swim and kept going under and the logs would come back together and trap him from coming back up. I had to jump in myself while holding the shaft of the trolling motor with one hand and fishing him out with the other. I inched along the side of the boat to the back and was able to push him back in the boat. There was a moment when I let go of the trolling motor where I thought we were both doomed.

Wow, that’s scary!
Posted By: tcTX

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:32 AM

this was just off my dock in the back of the creek - but if we're going out on the lake - my dogs wear life jackets. This was a few years ago and these two have passed onto a bigger deck in the sky... we now have a rescue lab mix that is also very fond of the boat... and is intrigued by just about anything floating by...and always knows when I set a hook...

Always have fresh water for your dog onboard... tags and a leash as well.

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Posted By: Barn

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:38 AM

Originally Posted by K.D.
If it's a retriever with a high retrieve drive you can leash the dog and step on the leash with no slack to keep him from chasing every cast.otherwise you both will get good at dragging him back on the boat

This ^^ I finally gave up on my Lab. She spent more time swimming circles around the boat than in it.
Posted By: dk2429

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:40 AM

I love taking my yellow lab with me on certain days. Sometime he gets in the way a little too much, but he doesn't bother anything. He doesn't try to jump out, bark, or chase any fish...

Please though... Be cautious taking them out IN HOT WEATHER! If it's hot as hell for you, it's hot as hell times 1000000 for the pup! Don't bring them when it's really hot.. Can't stress that enough, ESPECIALLY labs.

For water, I just fill my rear livewell up full from the lake (if it's cold water.) He loves it! I just leave the hatch open for him while fishing and he goes and drinks whenever he needs to.

They are great company, just take care of them according to conditions!
Posted By: banker-always fishing

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by tcTX
this was just off my dock in the back of the creek - but if we're going out on the lake - my dogs wear life jackets. This was a few years ago and these two have passed onto a bigger deck in the sky... we now have a rescue lab mix that is also very fond of the boat... and is intrigued by just about anything floating by...and always knows when I set a hook...

Always have fresh water for your dog onboard... tags and a leash as well.

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Totally Awesome picture. cheers
Posted By: dk2429

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 02:11 AM

Oh yeah, make sure to bring a boat paddle. My lab took a big shat right on the front deck. The boat paddle was all I had to clean it up
Posted By: Chris_K

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 02:22 AM

I haven’t been in my boat without my goldendoodle since the day I got her.
Start them young and expect to spend more time teaching them boat manners than fishing for a while.[Linked Image]
Posted By: ToasterWEyes

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 02:27 AM

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My girls wouldn’t go out without the dog, even though I wasn’t a fan. Now when they’re in school or don’t want to go I still take the dog along.
Posted By: ToasterWEyes

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 02:30 AM

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Posted By: DustBass

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 03:26 AM

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- Start em young
- Pop em when they step on your rods so they learn
- Teach them hooks and the ones that rattle are bad (may have to let the get a little poked once or twice)
- Tell them good dog when you catch a fish (they’ll concentrate like you)
- let them kiss some bass
- Let them go for a swim or two
- Put one or two in the livewell every now and then so they can watch them swim
- when they get old put a life jacket on them they get less stable
- Stop everything for a few minutes and let them know you appreciate them
- Get used to fishing buddies being a 3rd wheel

.., 14 years and my old guy I think has seen his last fishing trip

Enjoy man, they’ll be your best friend and co angler. .
Posted By: firefighter196965

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 03:43 AM

I always carry a bowl for her to drink out of and I also keep her own personal umbrella that I clamp onto my windshield bars (a bonus for gambler owners). [Linked Image]
Posted By: wagonwheel

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 09:56 AM

I am prepared to remove a hook from her paw or snout or whatever. It has not happened to us yet, but I expect it will sooner or later. I keep water and "dog snacks" for her and a thick blanket to keep her off the deck when it is hot. I also use a blanket to make shade from the sun (clip to console and seat back). It is amazing how she knows when I am getting a bite, I guess she can sense my tension. Anyway, she is a great fishing buddy, always comes with me and loves being in the boat.
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Posted By: tricky

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 10:46 AM

I have a 3 month old Jack Russell pup. Gonna give it a try on Fork this weekend.
Posted By: buda13

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 11:44 AM

As before mentioned start them young if you can, but that doesn’t mean an older dog can’t learn it. Initially I use lure wraps for the rods on the deck, especially treble hook baits, until they start to learn what not to step on. Limit number of rods on the deck and always be mindful of where your hooks are when not in use. Instead of just siting that TRig down you may need to dangle the bait over the top cap. Beach it a couple of times during the day and let em swim. This fella is going on 17 months and he’s got it down!
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Posted By: Tin Star Cajun

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 12:30 PM

I trained my half lab/half blue tick to stay on the back deck to avoid any hooks on the front. She loves being on my Champ. [img]http://[/img] [Linked Image]
Posted By: Ken A.

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 12:50 PM

Be prepared to have your dog attached to a 5# bass via treble hooks on a crankbait running all over the boat yelping while she drags the fish all around the boat with the treble hook stuck in her mouth. It's not IF it happens it is WHEN.

Ask me how I know. roflmao
Posted By: G Love

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 01:22 PM

My Aussie just chills. He gets pumped about the first couple fish every time but after that he just goes back to chillin. I have a water bowl on the boat with me.
Posted By: Fishinfellow

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 02:47 PM

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I'd also recommend a life jacket for your pup. If they happen to get in the water when its rough out, they might have a hard time staying up.
Posted By: 5PounderOnAFrog

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 04:04 PM

My suggestion would be to find a nice place to let the dogs get out and splash around and cool off. I like to find a little island or somewhere without people and let them do their thing while i retie baits, drink a beer, etc. Also helps to tucker them out for the rest of the afternoon so you can focus on fishing.

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No issues here with starting em young. Both of mine had no fear when it came to the boat. ATVs, cars, etc all spooked them a bit at first. if they fall in just yank em back in, theyll be fine. A leash and your seat posts can also help keep em contained.

My boy when he was 3 months old. Already lookin like a pro.
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Posted By: bassfishinglawyer

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by dk2429
Oh yeah, make sure to bring a boat paddle. My lab took a big shat right on the front deck. The boat paddle was all I had to clean it up

This is what I'm worried about - pretty sure my dogs would love the opportunity to join the club.
Posted By: june-bug

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 07:07 PM

Stella my Blue Lacy is always with me unless it's really hot out. She really loves the water but has stayed in the boat thus far. Love taking her out [Linked Image]
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Posted By: Chris B

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/22/21 07:29 PM

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Mine started young.

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Now she likes to photo bomb.
Posted By: McLovin’

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/23/21 03:07 AM

Great pics guys!!!
Posted By: Stroker XS

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/23/21 08:28 AM

I have a eight year old black lab that i never leave home without. I highly recommend your dog once it’s a year old to go through some form of training. Spend as much time with them even it it’s a ride two miles up the road.

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Posted By: chickenfried76

Re: Those of you that bring dogs on a bass boat - 04/23/21 08:25 PM

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I prefer to leave them home, but have to take them in the summer to get them out of the lake house early. Otherwise the whole house is up at 5am from them running back and forth from bedroom to back door
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