I was there last night catfishing from the dock at the marina. I was a little taken back because in 2-3 throws of my castnet I had WAY more shad than I could use. I tossed back the small ones and only kept the ones the size of my hand and bigger, best cut bait for big cats in Texas. As I sat on the dock I realized I was absolutely surrounded by shad and I wasn't getting any bites. Typically you think that much bait fish would have to bring in some predators. As I looked more carefully, they were running from something but I couldn't figure out what. I assumed bass and took a spare rod and rigged for bass. Nothing...I tried every lure I had, and since I had Shad on line I didn't think to rig differently until right before I rolled up for the night. Just a small float, no weight small gold hook and caught a few of the small shad I through back the first time. And action...and lots of it. Crappie were thick in there. I had fun! I must have caught 25 before I left. Tossed them all back in.

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"Fishing for a change"