Well, its that time of year again! BAIT TRIPS are in full swing in the creeks and rivers, and have been since November! Some of yall want to go fishing for these big Blue Cats, Hybrid Striper, and Striper, but just dont have the bait to do it. Well I know where they are, and in one throw from the bank, you will have all you need for the day or the year.
OK, well here is what one throw of a 7 ft net lookes like:
![[Linked Image]](http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u201/tarponfly/Crappie/E00373A2-9745-47AD-B2EA-EF8CA90A381E-2409-000001053CCC6389.jpg)
On a side note: Bass Pro Shops cast nets/ pay $14 to Gear Gaurd it ( insurance ) if you end up hitting a tree, just bring back what you can and get a new net. Bring a weight back if that's all u can get back!
![[Linked Image]](http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u201/tarponfly/How%20to%20Catch%20Bait/63C64DF0-4322-429B-92C1-8DF4A26C573B_zpsjbwsupwg.jpg)
( Above is my client from Thursday January 16, 2014 -his first throw of the day and wacked them. Took him 10
Mins just to get it on the bank it was so heavy. )
Every year, in a lot of lakes, the shad migrate up the creeks to avoid freezing to death in the shallower lakes. Some go deep and some go to the creeks and rivers. The Creeks are shallower and retain heat better than the lakes in the winter months. At 41 degrees a shad will die of the cold water. So they find the warmest water they can.
And below is a short video on what happens when you go on a bait trip with me. Every cast is like this. It's an amazing site to see.
You can actually get in the water and kick them and pick up the stunned ones. I took out the GoPro and videoed a school if shad in 2 ft of water.
Below is a video on hookers: the fish guys......
How do I visually locate the schools of bait: Video below
I will teach you:
Where (multiple spots around the DFW Metroplex)
When (the times of year they show up in each creek)
Why (because)
How (I will teach you how to throw a net and make it open up all the way 90% of the time. -we are not all perfect every throw. After you are sure you can make the cast net open, we will start the tour on spots teaching you how to actually locate them in a few spots visually.
Guided Gizzard Shad Trips: New Low Price!
$74.99 1-2 people
Call me, Text me, Email me to book a slot.
All in the DFW Metroplex
(Blue Gill Trips Avilable Apon Request) $75 for 1-2 adults and 3 kids max. 1 solid hour of catching Blue Gills, Red Ear Sun Fish and Warmouth. Lets the kids do the baiting up for you! I'll show you where how and when to keep your blue gill baits up and also where the kids can have safe fun.
How to Catch Blue Gill Sunfish All Year Long ( Richardson, Texas )
I am a Licensed Fishing Guide. I can guide you to the bait. I can not sell it.
It is illegal to harvest bait in Dallas County or any counties touching it and Sell It. You are only allowed to harvest bait for personal use within reason.
You must have a fishing license on you while catching bait. It's your job to weed out gamefish on what you catch. Expect the game wardens to check through ever shad in your cooler.
Excepting tips, gas money, or trading items for shad is illegal. You must have a permit to do so but . Or, a guide license to guide people to them. A GameWarden asked me to post this.
Yellow Bass are considered a game fish and must be released if caught by net. That includes all game fish caught in net. You can not keep game fish caught in net. So that juicy 13 inch crappie u netted, must go back in the water.
What to bring on trip with me:
Waders are preferred. Rubber boots will work sometimes.
Polorized Glasses are very important
6-7 ft net nothing smaller- mono not mesh.
Something to haul out bait in
Stocking foot waders are best. U can change out the shoes to match the terrain. Soccer cleats work greatness. They dig into the clay banks and hold ya. I wear mine every time I hit the creeks and rivers. They will save ur butt.
Text me is the fastest way to contact me: 469-528-0210