[size=200]Warning: the following report contains a exciting fishing adventure do not read if you are at work or there is a lightning storm outside! A/T is not liable for injuries you receive from attempting to recreate this adventure...unless you catch then its totally my fault :dance:
So i havent been on TTF long enough for yall to know that i post a report usually every week...as Kayak wars starts ill have more for yall
So ive been off the water for 2 1/2 weeks just losing my mind with school, and weather...
Im busy these next few days so i said "forget it im hitting the water"
got to my spot about 5:20 ish maybe
First cast BAM! 24"

I was surprised it was a great trout and i could have left home happy
It was bleeding a bit so i threw him on my stringer need to restock anyways...
Casted back out..bump ....bump...BAM! Felt some head shakes but i didnt set hook quick enough...
Recast!...BAM!! drag ripping pulled out a skinny 27"

Released it and kept casting...
sun was setting and i was running out of daylight
2 casts later BAM! ripping drag thought i had a redfish! Got it into the net and i couldnt believe my luck...29" Trout

I got a grin that wont go away now and just kept casting...
2 or 3 more later and Bam! wrapped my stake out stick wrapped my anchor gave me the run around it was a pain but finally netted it... a 27.5" Trout

I Had 6 trout total... 24" 26"26" 27" 27.5" 29"
on the water for 2 1/5 hours and it was a great little fix...drum havent shown up yet but they will...hopefully